“Let go of counting (calories, points, fat grams) and start trusting your inner wisdom and your body’s desire for health. Your temple wants to be nourished and adored. Still want to count? Count the joys of life instead.”
– Anita Avalos, Holistic Health, Eating Psychology, and Body-Food Relationship Coach; Creator of Find Your Body-Food Freedom…The Diet-Free Approach to Loving Your Body and Rockin’ Your Life!
I know how you feel…
It can be so isolating, frustrating, and downright heartbreaking to be caught in a constant struggle around food, your body, and feel stuck between wanting to shape-shift your body and loving your body.
And navigating the world of health, wellness, and nutrition can be daunting with so many mixed messages and misinformation.
Do you ever find yourself wishing that you could cut through all the noise and FINALLY find a way to break free from the chronic dieting cycle, emotional eating, negative body talk, and just have a “normal”, healthy, and pleasurable relationship with food and your body?
Learn what works for your body by entering your email address and signing up for updates from AnitaAvalos.com…It’s FREE
Wouldn’t you LOVE to get back to that place of knowing and trusting your inner wisdom about your body and what it needs?
And wouldn’t it feel so good to stop constantly comparing your body to others, feeling like She isn’t enough, and not living as fully as you desire?
With all the confusion and failed attempts, it’s enough to make you want to give up altogether.
But deep down you know you deserve more than that.
You deserve to live a life that is full, happy, sensual, and high quality.
One where you feel beautiful from the inside out, you have a happy, healthy body, and your deepest desires unfold.
It’s possible…and it’s waiting for you!
And although high quality nourishment is important, it’s only part of the equation. Equally important is having a peaceful, pleasurable relationship with food and your body…and finally seeing your body as your loving, loyal companion and partner in life.
How do I know this is true? Because I was a chronic dieter who struggled for years with my weight, my body image, and self-worth.
I would cycle between extreme diet and wellness trends and binge/overeating, and constantly felt at war with my body and with food.
It wasn’t until I ditched the diet mentality, shifted my relationship to my body and to food, AND made quality nourishment the theme for my life in every way that life got really good.
I said goodbye to my lonely nights of carefully calorie/portion-controlled diet frozen dinners and my daily dose of toxic non-fat frozen yogurt that I used to scrape change from the bottom of my purse to buy and said HELLO to yummy food and a sense of community in my life.
Learn how to do the same by getting weekly updates from me! Sign up by entering your name and email address below.
(It’s hard to connect with others when you are so use to it just being you and your little boxed dinner.)
Without struggle, hunger, or beating myself up in the gym, I did experience weight loss, but most importantly, I finally started to feel at home in my body because I worked on how I connected to food, made peace with my body, and began to trust myself again.
But it’s not just about the outside change; I am truly happy at every level.
It’s not that I never have a bad day or a rough patch.
It’s just that my whole way of living has switched from being fearful about food (and in turn my life) and resenting my body, to saying YES to all that enriches me.
Isn’t about time you did too?
If you…
- Are you ready to have a healthy relationship with food and your body, one without pain, deprivation, or counting fat grams, points, calories, or extreme wellness protocols…
- Have a deep desire to finally know what foods work for your body that will keep you feeling amazing…
- Want to get back in touch with a way of moving that leaves you feeling strong, sexy, and confident (and has nothing to do with pain and torture, aka the outdated “no pain, no gain” mentality)…
- Want to have meaningful, fulfilling relationships in every realm of your life (friendship, romantic, career-related) that light you up, help you grow, and allow your inner light to shine…
- Desire a loving, relaxed relationship with food and your body that is based on trusting of your intuition and deep sense of knowing…
- Want sky-rocketing energy so you can truly rock your life…
- Realign all the energy that once went into dieting and worrying about eating the “perfect diet”/ doing the “perfect workout” and put it into sharing your gifts with the world, chasing your passions, and living a pleasure-rich life…
…then it’s time we started working together!
Be sure to sign up for updates and enter your name and email address…it’s FREE

I am a Certified Holistic Health, Eating Psychology, and Body-Food Relationship Coach, accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and Children’s Yoga Instructor. I am committed to showing women how to find body-food freedom, develop body love, and trust one’s instinctual nature, as well as teaching children how to use yoga as a tool for physical and mental strength and flexibility.
Certified Health and Eating Psychology Coaching
Through my studies at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating and Institute of Integrative Nutrition, I have been exposed to a wide range of dietary theories, as well as approaching health holistically, meaning looking at how one’s personal relationships, career, spirituality, and exercise routine effect the individual, not just their food.
Although based in Los Angeles, I am also available for private and group coaching to clients remotely.
Children’s Yoga Instruction
My 20 years of elementary school teaching and consistent yoga practice naturally led me to combine the two passions and bring yoga into my classroom instruction. I completed two trainings through Yoga Ed and Mini Yogis. I have been teaching yoga to my kiddies since 2006.
I am available for children’s yoga workshops and private instruction.