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Are Your Cravings Telling Your Something? How to Know If Your Way of Eating Needs to Change

Not sure if your way of eating is REALLY working for you? Check out today's Q&A!

I am so excited right now!!! (Notice the triple exclamation marks?)

I just wrapped up my first ever scholarship contest yesterday (can’t wait to pick a winner) and am packing up to spend the weekend in Berkeley/Oakland, California to celebrate my dear friend Jennifer’s wedding.

It’s sure to be a good time! A getaway with my man, a wedding, PLUS a reunion dinner with 2 of my favorite old school friends ever, Blamoh and Shaun. I just can’t wait!

As if that wasn’t exciting enough, I am also giving to you today the very first “Q&A with Double A” webisode.

(I’ll let you know how I came up with that name in the video below!)

This has been a little dream of mine for quite some time because I really want to help get the questions that you and my readers/viewers struggle with answered.

So once a month, I’ll be doing just that.

Now for our very first Q&A, I have a very juicy question from a woman who is struggling with intense food cravings and is questioning whether or not the way she has been eating is really working for her anymore.

Have you ever gone through this?

The answer I give her would have probably shocked the hell out of my parents just a handful of years ago because I was really tied to “my” way of eating and was determined to stay the path.

The truth is a way of eating only works until…it doesn’t work anymore!
This may seem simple enough, but so many of us get tied to one way of eating simply because it felt good for a while, it feels too hard to change, or because we heard it’s the newest, greatest thing.

But if you listen carefully, your body and body wisdom are always speaking to you, letting you know if you are giving her what she needs. She (or he) is wiser than any guru out there. Best believe it!

Pay special attention to how I tell her HOW to treat these changes and what she needs to let go of FIRST to get the most positive effects. These two points are HUGE.

Please note.. whatever changes you make in your daily eats , make sure that you are opting for the highest quality version of it…keep it organic, keep it free-range, and/or grass-fed. And local whenever possible. The less processed, the better. Quality is key in everything in life.

And of course, in the comments below, I want to make sure I hear from YOU.

Have you ever had to change your way of eating because it wasn’t working for you anymore? If so, what did you change and what were the positive effects?

I’m guessing I’m going to ruffle some feathers on this one, but I wouldn’t be the coach I want to be if I didn’t give it to you straight.

I can’t wait to hear your comments on this one!

And if you want to hear more info on how getting too stuck on one kind of diet can cause you troubles, check out this post I did last year. My readers loved it!

Lots of love,

P.S. You still have time to take advantage of my crazy b-day month discount on my Lean, Clean, and Sugar-Free Detox.

It’s an amazing start-when-you’re-ready program that involves zero hunger or days of juicing…just real, whole, delicious foods and a surefire way for you to finally know what foods work for YOUR body. Plus, you’ll be able to let go of those sugar cravings and simply feel amazing.

Click HERE to learn more and sign on up!

P.P.S. Would you like to have YOUR question featured in an upcoming Q&A? Simply drop me a line at Anita@AnitaAvalos.com and tell me your burning question. Help me out by putting “Q&A” in the subject line too! I’d love to feature your question and get it “Double A’d”. 🙂

3 comments…read them below or… add one
  • Carlton Taylor

    Double A (If I may be so bold), I enjoyed your first Q&A session! You are the first fellow B-Schooler I’ve left a comment for. Usually I don’t, but I felt the need to say something.

    Bravo!! I looove that you had the courage the speak up on something that could be viewed by some as controversial… Vegetarians eating meat! You did it very respectfully and tactfully and I think your genuine desire to help came through. As a personal trainer, sometimes i find myself a bit shy about challenging the status quo, but seeing the way you did it toady makes me feel better about my mission.

    Thumbs up!!

    • Anita Avalos

      Thank you so much, Carlton, for your feedback. It is def a sensitive topic and I know you will do right by your clients by sharing from your heart as well. Go forth with your mission! And thanks for stopping by!!

    • Thank you so much, Carlton, for your feedback and for stopping by. I know it can be a sensitive topic, but I know you will go forth with your mission and share from the heart with your clients as well. Sending you mad positive energy!