Summer is HERE and the spirit of FREEDOM is in the air! And though we’re great at celebrating our national independence, do we know how to do that with our bodies and break free from the chains we can feel from the diet roller coaster?
Here’s the life altering truth: Finding our Body Freedom is not just about “fitting into your skinny jeans”…that’s just surface level stuff. In truth, finding your Body Freedom is about creating a life that is truly liberated, where you don’t have to stress, worry, or beat yourself up about food or the size of your thighs. It’s about embodying your TRUE pursuit of happiness.
This July 10th, I am claiming as our First Annual Body Freedom Day!And to kick it off right, I am hosting a free call to liberate yourself from the old ways of dieting, weight-loss, and food/body struggles.
If you:
- Are READY to finally have a “normal” relationship with food, one that is balanced and where you gravitate to the foods that you know will fuel you best
- Are ready to end the the stress/confusion that surrounds dieting, eating, and food in general
- Find that you are always caught in the “compare and despair” trap when it comes to your body and other people’s bodies…and just want to own your sexy!
- Find yourself “talking yourself” into or out of binge and diet cycles
- Find that you are lacking the energy and drive to exercise, play, and enjoy your life to the fullest…and want more than anything to get that back
- Find your inner desire doesn’t match your outer reality
Then this FREE call is for YOU!
Join me on Tuesday, July 10th at 8pm EST/ 5 pm PST for this hour long event where I’ll unlock the secret truths that will allow your body freedom to take it’s rightful place, have time for Q&A, PLUS I’m having a very sweet giveaway you are not going to want to miss!
Simply sign-up using the form below and you’re IN!