It’s time to create a whole new way of celebrating this of stress,free of body and food struggle, and setting the stage for your most empowered year yet! Learn how the Feminine Way can change everything for you.
The songs tell us “it’s the most wonderfultime of the year!” And even though that’s what we want it to be, the holiday season brings about a lot of STRESS….
Around food, body, and weight…
Around family and old buried feelings coming to the surface….
Around money…
and around making time for ourselves.
Long “to do” lists, parties, family obligations, goodies galore, and the message to spend (not just our money but our TIME) way beyond our means in every sense of the word becomes way too familiar. Pretty soon, we watch our healthy habits, bank accounts, and overall sense of balance get knocked down.
And once the holidays are over, our New Year’s Resolutions list replaces are holiday to do lists. Many of us enter the new year feeling “not enough” around our bodies, food, weight, and a bit defeated as we remember the goals we set out the year before but never got to. Add in the typical holiday weight gain, exhaustion, and debt and we can begin the new year from a somewhat disempowered place.
It’s a cycle that just keeps repeating time and time again.
Tell me…do you often think (especially during the holidays and New Year)
– “I just don’t have enough willpower around food, especially around the holidays.”
– “I already had one (insert ‘naughty’ food). Guess I blew it…I’ll just keep eating all of it.”
– “There is no time for me. If I take time for myself, I’ll never get it done and I’ll disappoint others.I am so stessed…but there is no time to relax.”
– “No time for exercise or healthy eating now…I’ll start in the New Year.”
– “The only way to get through this is to put my needs on hold.”
-” Wow…how did I gain the winter weight..AGAIN?” (And insert negative talk about your body)
But I believe it can be different and I want to show you how…
As I see it, there are two main reasons why this happens time and time again:
1) We fail to have a plan and a community/mentor that supports us, stretches us, and keeps us accountable.
2) We as women are often so far removed from our feminine essence and desires, so heavily saturated in masculine ways of running our lives and relating to our bodies that we fail to live a life where we are tuned in, tapped in, and turned ON (I’m talking about way more than sex here).
What does that mean exactly?
We are sold ideas that tell us we must use outdated strategies calling for deprivation, self-attack, self-hate, and dismissing our truest wants and desires. We are told to come from a place of push and pull, overextending ourselves, and fighting through and silencing our inner knowing of what is right for us. By doing this, we create the perfect environment for unwanted behaviors around food, eating, negative body image, and feeling like we are just surviving instead of thriving to take hold.
And as we end one year and begin another, this reality is only hightened.
But if you were connected to other women who supported you, who really got YOU…
If you had a coach who held your highest good as her goal for you and stretched you to get there…
If you decided to do something different out of a place of love, deep love and respect for your body and soul, instead of a place “not enoughness”…
And if you were given the tools and insights as to how to bring the feminine principles of pleasure, beauty,connection, personal power, and inner knowing into how you connect to your body, nourishment, and life, especially during the holidays and new year…
What do you think would be possible for you? How would this holiday season be different? And how would your New Year take flight?
Celebrate and SHINE: A Feminine Journey Into Your Most Pleasurable Holiday and Empowered New Year
What exactly is Celebrate and Shine?
Celebrate and Shine is a virtual, 30-day group coaching experience to help YOU create a holiday season that is truly pleasurable, to help empower you to honor your body and spirit, AND bring in the New Year connected to your truest desires.
This goes deeper than just “losing a few pounds” when January 1st rolls around or how to not eat too many gingerbread cookies.
It’s about finally understanding why we get into this holiday overload and “make it up in the New Year” cycle and most importantly how to break free so you can be the most authentic and empowered you. It’s about tapping into the more feminine, soulful, sensual, pleasure rich way of connecting to food, body, and a life that truly rocks.
When this happens, unwanted behaviors and thoughts around food and body start to naturally fall away. Not only that but we experience profound shifts in every area of our lives.
Seriously, this is about an inner evolution and it’s going be a joy to go through!
Here are just some of the benefits you can expect from Celebrate and Shine
-Personal and group support around how to best honor your healthy habits, move through your food and body challenges, and stay true to you.
-Discover how to eat and connect to food in a way that builds energy and creates the metabolic fire you may be currently missing. You’ll be able to release weight or stabilize your weight without the usual methods of extreme diet and exercise.
-Have PURE JOY all season long and well into the new year. Show up for your family the way you have always wanted to while still showing up for yourself.
-The tools to move from New Year’s resolutions and regrets to New Year Evolutions, starting now and moving forward.
-Creating healthy boundaries that will honor your choices.
-How to start making friends with pleasure and use it as a guiding light to create a body and life you love.
-Use sensuality to truly transform how you relate to your body, food, get out of yo-yo dieting, and step into a more relaxed way to connect to food and body and ultimately your life. This will change how you do EVERYTHING.
-Start your New Year feeling completely empowered and connected to your authentic self.
Here’s The Course Breakdown for Celebrate and Shine..
The heart and soul of this program takes place over a blend of downloadable, pre-recored calls, as well as LIVE calls to get your specific questions answered and enhance the group experience.
Call #1:Setting the Foundation: Key steps and mindset shifts that will boost your metabolism, help you rethink how you relate to food and body, and setting healthy boundaries all season long and start your 2013 on the right foot.
December 9th (Recorded Call- Will be released on this date.)
Call #2:LIVE Q&A: Get laser focused coaching for your questions, struggles, and challenges.
December 16th, 5:00 pm PST/ 8:00 EST
Call #3: HONORING You– Using the tools of sensuality, pleasure and living authentically to guide you this holiday season and beyond as tools to release weight, body hate, and feel into your happiest and most beautiful YOU. Say goodbye to overextending yourself..your remedy is on tap!
December 23rd (Recorded Call- Will be released on this date)
Call #4: The Clarity Principle– As the New Year approaches, it’s time to give thought to exactly what we want to create and receive. Let’s shed the old limited ways and beliefs that keep us stuck AND be aligned with our highest goals. This call is going to beyond powerful!
LIVE call, December 30th, 5:00 pm PST/ 8:00 EST
Bonus LIVE Q&A Call: Here’s another amazing opportunity to get laser focused coaching and support as you begin the New Year. We’ll bring in everything we’ve learned during the program to ensure that this year is truly empowered and that you are skilled in the feminine approaches to body-food relationship and living the life you desire.
January 6th, 5:00 pm PST, 8:00 EST
All LIVE calls will recored as well, just in case you can’t attend them. I got you covered.
You’ll Also Receive
- A password protected page to access all the calls and course materials.
- Access to a Private Facebook Forum for all members to get continued support, inspiration, and LOVE.

The Bonus Bundle: Check out these amazing gifts that will enhance your experience from the inside out.
Bonus #1: 5 Essential Herbs to Alleviate Stress E-Guide. As the holiday season approaches, it is imperative to take the time to nourish and nurture our nervous systems. Being around family, eating more than usual, traveling, and the stress of finances can tax your adrenals and your stress response.
When you are in a state of chronic overload, your sleep might be affected, you might gain weight, or you might have menstrual irregularities. This is quick guide, created by Joanne Cohen of Naturally Prosperous, will help you stay healthy during the holidays so you can enjoy this season!
Bonus #2:Activate Your Vision: A 2013 Activation Meditation
A downloadable visualization and meditation, lead by Functional Nutritionist and Modern-Day Medicine Woman, Jennifer Mizel of Living Light Well, will be energetically aligned to help you get in touch with the brightest, most authentic you in the New Year.
Using an energetic field known as the Akashic Records, Jennifer fuses spirit and matter for transformation–supporting you to overcome your blockages, reestablish balance and feel 100% aligned with your health, your business and your life.
Bonus #3: 30-Days to Clear Skin E-Book Discover what every woman needs to know to clear your complexion easily, without toxic and expensive products, and enjoy radiant, younger-looking and flawless skin for the holidays.
This must-have e-book, written by holistic health & clear skin expert Laurisa Truemper of the Wellness Market, shows how effortless and inexpensive clearing your skin and keeping it glowing can be.
And I have made the investment for this program BEYOND affordable as my gift to you for being such an important part of my community and am even giving you $100 off until November 30th.
PLUS $30 of every sale will go directly to the American Red Cross to help Hurricane Sandy Victims, so you can not only do something nice for yourself but also for those who really need it, especially right now.
Here’s a quick recap of everything you get in the Celebrate and Shine Experience:
- Two 60-minute pre-recorded calls to listen to at your convenience.
- 2 Live Calls with time for Q&A and spotlight coaching.
- A Live Bonus Q&A Call to make sure you are set for the New Year.
- Private Facebook Support Group
- Access to a private, password protected page to easily access all calls and content.
- Bonus 5 Essential Herbs to Alleviate Stress E-Guide
- Bonus 2013 Activation Meditation
- Bonus 30 Days to Clear Skin E-Book
It is my sincere hope that you will take this step to support yourself NOW and move in the true direction of your desire. It’s time to end the winter scale-hell, debt, and stress and take amazing
care of YOU now. 2012 can end beautifully and brightly, making 2013 your most empowered year yet.