Finally! A complete detox system designed to help you release weight, increase your energy, end the sugar-cycle, and know what EXACT foods work for your unique body.

Believe me, I get it!

It can feel TOTALLY frustrating to feel lost about what to eat and what to do to feel our most amazing selves!

Maybe you…

  • have tried everything but are still holding onto unwanted pounds and are no closer to your wellness goals.
  • have been experiencing digestive issues, headaches, low energy, or chronic pain and just aren’t sure why.
  • are confused about what foods to eat, especially with all the mixed and misguided information out there!
  • have been completely stressed out and unfortunately, putting yourself as a last priority.
  • feel “off-track” and been desiring to take your health and wellness goals a little deeper, but need support.
  • We know we want to feel vibrant, healthy, and to start to get our “WOW! Factor” back….

    You know, to get back into our “Sweet Spot”!

    But we often don’t even know where to begin or how to find what will actually work for us!

    Maybe we just want to feel supported (it never feels good to feel like you are on a island by yourself, especially when you want to make changes in your life!)

    The simple fact is YOU DESERVE MORE!

    There is a way to get to stat to get to the root of your problems and get clarity so you can FINALLY get the results you crave, all while having amazing support….

    It’s time to make a change, reboot, get results, and Fall Into Balance NOW!

    Summer is a high-tempo, fun time of year, full of traveling, picnics, BBQ’s, summer cocktails, and stepping out of your normal routine.

    And while that’s all uber FUN, sometimes all that carefree behavior can wreak havoc on your healthy eating, exercise routine, and overall sense of feeling centered.

    Enter fall and winter. As the weather cools down and the nights get longer, Mama Nature reminds us that it’s time that we slow down, look inward, reorganize our lives, and regroup.

    That’s why doing a fall/winter detox is a fantastic way to get back in your groove and spend sometime focusing on your personal wellness goals, especially before the holidays get rolling or right after they are done and you are ready to get back in tune with your goals and desires!

    The changes in the weather, amount of daylight, and demands on our time all should and do influence what an excellent detox is built around.

    I know that if you are even on this page, you’ve got the desire, you know you want to make a shift, you’re just looking for the right place to start or go deeper in detoxing your body and even your life!

    Trust me, you’ve come to the right place and this single decision might be the best one you’ve made all year!

    I’m not here to sell you another diet or false promise.

    Forget that!

    If anyone knows how damaging and useless diets can be, it’s me! I spent years on the diet rollercoaster and never got anywhere except more overweight and more unhappy.

    When I say overweight I mean 35+ pounds overweight.

    And when I say every diet, I mean EVERY DIET!

    It wasn’t until I discovered the power of real, whole foods and how to eat for vitality and health that the weight came off and stayed off.

    When I made myself a priority, I experienced less stress, more fulfillment, and life got uber fun again! (And guess what? Less stress= less junk in the trunk. Period.) My confidence soared and I felt sexier, not only because I was at a happy, healthy weight, but also because I FINALLY learned to take top-notch care of ME!

    And even though I finally know what foods work for me and my body, I also know when my body needs a little extra TLC and a chance to reboot and detox a little deeper. I know if feel my most beautiful, inside and out, when I take amazing care of myself.

    Cause let’s face it…even health coaches get off track now and again…

    CONFESSION ALERT!: I used to think that the only way to detox was to do something extreme like the Master Cleanse. Guess what that led to? A very hungry, bitchy me and even greater confusion about what to do AFTER it was over! It never gave me the chance to truly heal my body and instead started to allow dangerous, old ways of thinking to reemerge for me. No Bueno!

    I’m so glad I learned a better way to detox!

    Detoxing can be very effective in healing the body, releasing toxins and unwanted pounds without feeling like you would kill for a carrot, and also heal toxic thoughts and behaviors IF you are in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing!

    Now that I know better, doing a seasonally-minded, SANE detox a few times a year is a great way for me get in tune with my body, realign with my personal and health goals, and just feel like a flippin rockstar (yeah, it feels that good!)

    Wouldn’t you love to feel the same way and get back in the driver’s seat so can rock your life?
    (Can I get a Hellz-Yeah!?)

    Introducing the new…

    Afraid of crazy deprivation, starvation, or low energy? Fuggedaboutit! 

    In this easy to follow and totally guided detox program, you will:

    • Discover and Experience a whole-foods based cleanse that’s completely pleasurable and easy to implement even with your busy lifestyle. You’ll be eating REAL and DELICIOUS foods- no fasting or deprivation!
    • Enjoy Food, Movement, and Actions That Go With The Season! Find out why eating, thinking, and moving with Mama Nature is so important and will aide in healing your body and your life!
    • Release the toxins that have been storing in your body and keeping your energy and metabolism sluggish. You’ll transform your body’s ability to melt away extra pounds, allow your energy to skyrocket, and feel amazing!
    • Learn What Could Be Secretly Keeping You Overweight and Your Family Toxic. Find out how to get it out of your life and your home FOR GOOD!
    • Glow from the inside out. Radiate clear, gorgeous skin on the outside and feel awakened and renewed on the inside!
    • Supercharge your life by feeling empowered and in control of not only your food, but your entire life. You’ll be supported every step of the way. No guesswork or confusion…just powerful, proven, and effective techniques that will result in a true breakthrough for you on every level!
    • Have Food Freedom! Get clear, effective direction no matter if you’re vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, or a meat eater. There is something for everyone!
    • Kiss headaches, joint-pain, and constipation good-bye!
    • Sleep like a baby and wake up recharged!
    • Rediscover Your Sexy! Your skinny jeans, hot little black dress, and favorite “go-get ‘em” top are lonely and want to get back in the wardrobe mix (and if you don’t have these, they want to be part of your wardrobe). But it’s more than just the clothes. Rediscover what turns you on, lights you up, and reignite the fire inside you. You’re beautiful and it’s time you were reminded!
    • Kick STRESS To The Curb! Learn simple yet game-changing techniques to help you banish stress and put “Me Time” back on your daily schedule. Life is about to get WAY SWEET and FUN again!
    • Boost Your Immunity and enjoy a cold-free winter season, no flu-shot required! You’ll never have to lose a single day this season being ill.
    • Watch Your Cravings Lose Their Hold
    • End the Detox with a CLEAR PLAN and FINALLY know what works for your unique and beautiful body!

    Detoxing doesn’t have to be painful. It can be downright EMPOWERING and FUN!

    In this stress-free and effective detox you’ll get:

    • A Comprehensive, Easy to Follow Cleanse Guide with step-by-step instructions for what to buy and what to do to maximize your results. You’ll never be left wondering what you’re supposed to be doing.
    • Daily Detox Protocol Guide. A quick, handy guide to keep you on track so you know what you are supposed to do and when you are supposed to do it every day. Great for hanging on the fridge or taking with you to work!
    • Weekly Breakthrough Action Guides. These little jewels will help you track your progress, get clear about your goals and roadblocks, and enhance your experience so you feel unstoppable!
    • One “Detox 101” Pre-recorded Call. This call will give you tons of info on what a detox is, why we need it, and how to get the most out your experience. This foundational call will get you on track, lay out all the dos and don’ts so you are clear and ready to rock the detox! Download, listen, and GO!
    • Four recorded 60-Minute Group Coaching Calls from the last live version. These calls will focus on my Get WELLthy Detox System©, a one-of- kind, holistic approach to detox that will speak to all parts of your life so you can breakthrough the physical and emotional barriers that are toxic and keeping you stuck. These calls are guaranteed to inspire and keep you motivated!
    • NEW! Unlimited and Exclusive Members Only Website Access. All the content, call downloads and other juicy “Members Only” goodies will all be at your fingertips! Misplaced an email with a link you need? No worries! Just come here and get what you need. SWEET!

    Because I want to see you achieve your desired results, I’m also gifting you with the following bonuses just for signing up!

    • Bonus #1 A Detailed, Seasonally Minded Shopping List– Simplify your detox. You can take this list with you to the farmers’ market or store and you’re good to go!
    • Bonus #2 Supple Supplements Guide– If you are intimidated by the world of supplements, this exclusive guide will allow you to shop for supplements with confidence and know-how. Discover how supplements can help you get maximum results from your detox and well after and which supplements best fit your own bio-individuality.
    • Bonus #3 Yummy, Slim-Down, Easy to Follow Recipes- Get your sweet little hands on some of my favorite, delicious recipes that will help you feel like a pro in the kitchen and will delight your taste buds.
    • Bonus #4 Reduced Rates and Priority Scheduling for additional coaching or events with me. You’ll be the first to know what’s happening next and always be included for an early bird discounted rate!

    This sounds SO good, but how do I know if it’s right for ME?

    This program is perfect for you if:

    • You are a first time detoxer and are looking for the perfect, painless way to get started on the path to better health.
    • You’ve been struggling to lose those last stubborn 5-10 pounds and are confused because you’ve been doing “EVERYTHING right” but nothing happens.
    • You are happy with your weight but want to start eating a more nutrient rich way of eating and living.
    • You are in desperate need of some “me time” and want to improve the quality of your life!
    • You are healthy eater who just needs a reboot or to expand your knowledge of healthy eating and what actually works for YOUR unique body.
    • You know you have some major food addictions and cravings you are desperate to get a handle on.
    • You spend most of your days exhausted and reach for coffee or candy to get your through your energy slumps.
    • You’ve been looking for the perfect way to get back “on-track” and honor your body and life with some major TLC.
    • You want to get your learn on about what true health is!
    • You are ready to feel more vibrant and alive than ever before!
    • You always wanted to the support of a kick-ass coach who would give it to you straight, support you, AND push you to S-T-R-E-T-C-H to your highest potential.
    • You love my blog, my philosophy, and programs and are STOKED at this incredible, affordable way to work together!
    • You are READY to start uncovering your nutritional and emotional roadblocks that are keeping you from living a life that ROCKS!

    This program is NOT for you if:

    • You aren’t ready to make REAL changes in your life.
    • You aren’t ready to get honest with yourself about what is keeping you stuck.
    • You’re not willing to put into practice the tips and information presented in the coaching calls and materials.
    • You’re not open to new ideas regarding health and wellness.
    • You’re looking for a crash diet that will get you skinny in 5 days or less.
    • You aren’t ready to let the negatives go so the good stuff can flood your life!

    Bottom line?

    The Fall Into Balance Detox© will provide you with tons of amazing, life changing information and tools to allow you to not only detox your physical body but your life as well! (Don’t believe me? Check out the amazing testimonials at the end of this page!)

    It is an incredibly affordable way to work with me, get loads of support and accountability, and connect with other like-minded peeps via our private forum!

    Why Does It Have to Be 21 Days?

    I hear you! Who doesn’t love quick results? Why not just have it be 5 or 7 days?

    The truth is, a 5 or 7-day detox is a great jumpstart method.

    But to really dig deep, clear out the toxins thoroughly, and create new and lasting habits, 21 days is an ideal time frame. Short enough to make some real progress and long enough to really make a shift!

    Not only that, but it allows us more time together so we can address other aspects of your life that may be keeping you stuck and in toxic habits.

    Like any of my programs,I have put my all into this! I care about my clients and want to see them succeed. 

    I KNOW this detox works and will be a game-changer for you on many levels.

    SOLD! Anita, I am in! What do I need to participate, when does it start, and what is the investment?

    Awesome! And I can’t wait to have you! You’ll need a phone, a blender, a working kitchen, a computer, and a commitment to you! (Other nitty gritty details to come so don’t worry!)

    The Fall Into Balance Detox© Self-Guided Version begins when YOU want it to! The moment you purchase it, all the info is right at your fingertips… whether that means you want to get centered before the holidays or if you to really take advantage of that “New Year Excitement” you have to make 2013 YOUR year!

    Expect a sweet antidote to the holiday sugar overload and crazy, toxic habits that keep our bodies from healing and our minds busy with may too much negative chatter! (Whew!)

    I am offering this amazing program with all the done-for-you materials, 3+ weeks of support, and added bonuses as part of the Body Freedom Breakthrough Package.

    This is a more than affordable way for any woman (or man) to step up and start making some big shifts in her/his life and health!

    Let’s do this! Sign me UP!
    “Anita, I am READY for the Fall Into Balance Detox©!”

    I understand that this amazing detox includes:

    • A comprehensive, easy to follow cleanse guide.
    • Daily Detox Protocol Guide
    • Weekly Breakthrough Action Guides
    • One “Detox 101” Pre-recorded Call.
    • Four recorded calls from the last LIVE version.
    • Exclusive Fall Into Balance© Community Forum Membership.
    • Unlimited and Exclusive Members Only Website Access
    • Exclusive Members Only Juicy Goodies and Downloads
    • Bonus Detailed, Seasonally Minded Shopping List
    • Bonus Supple Supplements Guide
    • Bonus Yummy, Slim-Down, Easy to Follow Recipes
    • Bonus Reduced Rates and Priority Scheduling

    So are you ready to take this journey with me and finally put yourself, your health, and your happiness back into focus?

    Are ready to start feeling Slim, Sexy and Stress-Free©?

    Isn’t it time you Fall Into Balance©?

    I cannot WAIT to work with you.


    P.S. I know it can feel scary sometimes to take the leap into something new, especially when we are being asked to step out of our comfort zone!

    But what if one decision like this could be the catalyst that makes everything else change?

    What if it could be the beginning of a better life, relationship with food, and crazy good health?

    What if just ONE take-away from this detox shifts everything for you?

    Here’s What Some Of My Past Detoxers Had To Say:

    “Anita, I wanted to thank you for everything! I’ve never felt better. I went from eating out 2 to 3 times a day (No kidding) and drinking 3 to 4 sodas a day (also no joke) to eating the best meals for me and exercising! I have made some life changing choices and I don’t regret a single one. Thank you for opening my eyes to a better way of eating.

    I am maintaining my new weight of 125 from 145. I use to wear a tight size 10 (denial) and a comfortable size 12. I now wear a comfortable size 6 everyday and am loving my new self completely! I even went and bought some sexy size 8 jeans thinking that was a s good as it was going to get…well, they are now my baggy jeans!

    Wow, amazing what one decision can lead to. Thank you, Anita!

    – Amanda De La Cruz, San Fernando, CA

    “The last 3 days I’ve been in happy lala land. I feel like I’ve been thinking about things with more clarity.

    Here’s the best part….I take medication for high blood pressure and even with medicine my pressure is always on the high side. I’ve been monitoring my pressure this last week and it’s been under the normal 120/80. I keep taking my blood pressure because I can’t believe it! And I already lost 9 pounds! Thanks Anita….This is doing wonders for me!”

    Gabby Munoz (halfway on the detox), Sherman Oaks, CA

    “Thank you Anita. I learned so much during this time it’s amazing. Thanks for all of your help. This path that you have brought us down changed my life! I have suffered with migraines for about 15 years and I haven’t had one since about the 4th day on the detox. I don’t know if it’s because of the food or the supplements, but I love it and don’t want to have pain anymore!! “
    Sharon Root Vane, Myrtle Beach, SC

    You ladies are going to LOVE how you feel! I am happy to report that today (on my birthday) my family and I shared our 100th green smoothie! For those of you that don’t know me personally, imagine a typical teenager that only ‘likes’ junk food making that statement. I am SO excited and thankful that I call Anita Avalos my dear friend. You’ll feel very supported and Anita is VERY good about responding to any comments or questions as they come up on the website!

    Meggan Akins, Sherman Oaks, CA

    Before the detox, I use to feel so awful before my period, like I literally couldn’t even walk the pain was ridiculous…Now it’s gone! I totally attribute it to the detox! When I had my blood work done for my doctor for this, she said everything looked amazing! So you truly changed my life! I am down 20 lbs. and I can’t even tell you all the compliments I get on a daily basis. I owe it all to YOU!

    Eileen Rawcliffe, San Fernando, CA

    The detox with Anita Avalos was MAGNIFICENT!!

    The very first day, without coffee, I thought I was going to die. It occurred to me at that point that I really was so addicted to coffee that my skull felt like it was being smashed. That’s when I realized how much I really needed the detox.

    I am a vegetarian, and although I know that vegetarians can eat just as much unhealthy foods as anyone else, I had assumed that my diet was pretty clean for the most part.

    Boy did I not realize just how much processed foods I was eating. Within a weeks time I had dropped 6 lbs and I felt so completely different. I had never realized just how bloated I had been, my legs were remarkably smaller.

    In addition to losing some weight, the detox did something else for me, it made me step outside of my comfort zone and try new things!

    I made Broccoli Rabe (and it was delicious!), hummus, and almond butter!! I tried tahini for the very first time in my life (with the exception of in hummus) and I am addicted, in addition I tried maca and raw cacao, both very good and good for you too!!

    Finally, and most importantly, the detox made me realize that I need to stop rewarding and placating my daughter with food. Now, we are trying a different fruit every day! I never thought I would see this day.

    Of all of the things that the detox has given me, this is by far, the most valuable!! I cannot thank you enough Anita for everything!!”

    Kimberly Beuther, Brooklyn, NY

    “I am a healthy enlightened eater (and health coach) so I didn’t think I’d get tremendous benefits from the detox.

    My take on everything is moderation so I didn’t realize how challenging eliminating certain foods would be. I learned a lot about my emotional attachment to food and routines…. ones that I thought I could take or leave.

    I was wrong.

    I learned to face social situations without a drink in hand, to wait for my food in a restaurant without devouring the breadbasket, to have my breakfast sans coffee.

    I learned I could have a great time sober, that my meal tasted a lot better when I wasn’t full of bread and that energy didn’t come exclusively from a cup of coffee.

    Anita provided the support and structure that made the 21 days a time to grow, learn and escape the mindless routines that keep us from reaching our health ‘potential.’ Anita’s detox teaches you how to free yourself from the trappings of your current diet…whether they be physical or emotional.”

    Eugenie Mason, Los Angeles, CA

    Isn’t about time you felt this amazing too and got these phenomenal results?

    Wouldn’t it be double sweet if you got your friends, sisters, cousins, or mom in on the action too so they can also feel slim, sexy, and stress-free?

    Don’t delay! Sign up today and while you’re at it, share the info of the amazing program with those you love most! It’s always more fun to share the experience with a friend.

    Not only will you get instant built in support, but you’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing you helped someone you love get started on the path to amazing health and wellness!