Tell me, does this sound familiar? Have you…
- tried everything but are still holding onto unwanted pounds and, month after month, are no closer to your health, weight-loss, and wellness goals?.
- feel like you can’t just have a little sugar…you either totally ban yourself from sweets or binge on them with little to no in-between??
- been feeling like you can’t get your morning started or make it through the afternoon without your sugar/caffenie fix (be it a mocha-latte, a handful of M&M’s, muffin, raw granola, or soda jolt)
- are confused about what foods to eat and what sweeteners are healthy, especially with all the mixed and misguided information out there!
- have been completely stressed out and unfortunately, putting yourself as a last priority.
- feel “off-track”, low energy, and been desiring to take your health and wellness goals a little deeper, but need support.
- felt like you do “good” all day, only to “blow it” when you get home from work and feel helpless to cookies and ice cream…and then beat yourself up mentally for it when you do?
- been in a love/hate relationship with your body,and find that you secretly feel that she has betrayed you or is somehow defective?
If you find yourself saying “yes” (maybe even “hell yes!”) to many of these questions, you are not alone!
Combating our sugar cravings isn’t easy by any means.
Why? Here are some facts…
- We lovely humans are hard-wired to desire sweets…but refined sugars capitalize on that innate desire, making it challenging to break away from.
- It’s hidden just about everywhere, even in the most beautifully packaged “health” foods.
- If you are suffering from candida, you will crave more and more sugar. When you feed the candida with sugary foods (even natural sugars that occur in foods like bananas or oranges), you also feed the yeast, and thus the negative cycle continues. The only way out is to heal.
- Swearing off candy and desserts without a game plan rarely (if ever) works. You need high quality nutrition to come on in as your ally to help you get off sugar and ease your cravings.
- Always, always, ALWAYS there are lifestyle factors and emotional/belief roadblocks at play that keep us reaching for the candy jar. Until those are examined, you’ll always look for sweetness outside of your life in a sugary form.
But in order to feel our ABSOLUTE best, we gotta look at more than sugar. (And it’s not the sugar is the “devil”…it’s often the way and the amount of sugar we intake that needs a reboot.)
It’s essential to also know which other foods, patterns, and lifestyle factors may be keeping us toxic, feeling rundown and low energy, holding onto extra pounds/belly bloat, and essentially feeling “off”.
Doing a run-of-the-mill “kick sugar detox” isn’t going to get to the root problem or provide long-term healing or LASTING results.
- You need a detox that will not only help you break out of the sugar cycle but give you a solid plan to find out which EXACT foods are best for your unique body so you can reach your health and wellness goals once and for all, including releasing those stubborn pounds that just won’t seem to come off.
- You need a detox plan that’s going to make you feel so damn good and full of energy that having the motivation to exercise, play with your kids, and get your to-do list HANDLED is no longer a struggle.
- You need a detox that seasonally makes sense (in other words, teaches you how to take advantage of what food Mama Nature has made available NOW) and allows enough flexibility for you to eat the foods that match your lifestyle and preferences. It’s the best way to support and work with your body, instead of struggling to fit into a one-size fits all detox plan. (And FYI, the seasonal foods of spring/summer are PERFECT for getting us off sugar, cleansed, and feeling lighter and brighter!)
- Most importantly, you need a detox plan that will help you breakthrough the underlying toxic lifestyle patterns and beliefs you have about weight/your body so you can actually joyfully and effortlessly release weight, have more everyday pleasure in your life, and no longer need “willpower” to get you where you want to be.
- And you need a detox plan with built in support and S-T-R-E-T-C-H you so you don’t feel like an island out there with no where to turn for motivation, clarity, and strategies that work!
There is a way to get to stat to get to get off the sugar cycle, safely and effectively detox and release those extra pounds, and get clarity about what actually works for YOU so you can FINALLY get the results you crave, (and feel supported in the process)
Trust me, you’ve come to the right place and this single decision can powerfully impact your entire life.
I’ve spent years of my own time and money (and mishaps) creating the perfect plan for you, even perfecting my own pervious detox programs to make this one the ideal choice for those really struggling around sugar.
I’ve taken out all the guess work for you to create a system that is easy to follow, full of delicious foods, allows room for your personal preferences/lifestyle, and IT WORKS!
Not only that, but I take great pride in helping women heal their relationship to their bodies, have more fun and pleasure in their everyday lives, and heal the wounds that have come from years of chronic dieting and feeling like they just weren’t good enough.
Straight up, I’m not here to sell you another diet or false promise.
It’s against my core values and I’ll tell you right now if you want something that’s going to promise you that you’ll lose 10 pounds in a week, that’s not what this is at all. This is about health and happiness, not another diet in disguise.
It’s against my core values and I’ll tell you right now if you want something that’s going to promise you that you’ll lose 10 pounds in a week, that’s not what this is at all. This is about health and happiness, not another diet in disguise.
If anyone knows how damaging and useless diets can be, it’s me! I spent years on the diet rollercoaster and never got anywhere except more overweight and more unhappy.
When I say overweight I mean 35+ pounds overweight.
And when I say every diet, I mean EVERY DIET!
CONFESSION ALERT: I used to think that the only way to detox was to do something extreme like the Master Cleanse. Guess what that led to? A very hungry, bitchy me and even greater confusion about what to do AFTER it was over! It never gave me the chance to truly heal my body and instead started to allow dangerous, old ways of thinking to reemerge for me. No Bueno!
It wasn’t until I discovered the power of real, whole foods and how to eat for vitality and health that the weight came off and stayed off.
When I made myself a priority, I experienced less stress, more fulfillment, and life got uber fun again! (And guess what? Less stress= less junk in the trunk. Period.) My confidence soared and I felt sexier, not only because I was at a happy, healthy weight, but also because I FINALLY learned to take top-notch care of ME! The result was a 35 pounds released, without dieting…and keeping it off for over 6 years now!
Are you ready to end the sugar cycle, detox your body, release extra weight, boost your energy, de-stress, and get back in the driver’s seat so you too can rock your life?
And as soon as you sign-up for this home study course, it’s possible!
(Can I get a Hellz-Yeah!?)

Afraid of crazy deprivation, starvation, or low energy? Fuggedaboutit!
In this easy to follow and totally guided detox program, you will:
- Discover and Experience a whole-foods based cleanse that’s completely pleasurable and easy to implement even with your busy lifestyle. You’ll be eating REAL and DELICIOUS foods- no fasting or deprivation!
- End your struggle around sugar, lose the belly bloat, and heal your sugar cravings at the root level so that they don’t reappear once the detox is over.
- Release the toxins that have been storing in your body and keeping your energy and metabolism sluggish. You’ll transform your body’s ability to melt away extra pounds, allow your energy to skyrocket, and feel amazing!
- Get your sweet tooth satisfied in whole new, healthy, and delicious way! Learn which natural sweeteners to buy and how to use them so you can still have your sweets without all the ill-effects you’re used to.
- Enjoy Food, Movement, and Actions That Go With The Season! Find out why eating, thinking, and moving with Mama Nature is so important and will aide in healing your body and your life!
- Learn What Could Be Secretly Keeping You Overweight and Your Family Toxic. Find out how to get it out of your life and your home FOR GOOD!
- Glow from the inside out. Radiate clear, gorgeous skin on the outside and feel awakened and renewed on the inside!
- Supercharge your life by feeling empowered, free from the sugar-cycle, and in control of not only your food, but your entire life. You’ll be supported every step of the way. No guesswork or confusion…just powerful, proven, and effective techniques that will result in a true breakthrough for you on every level!
- Have Food Freedom! Get clear, effective direction no matter if you’re vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, or a meat eater. There is something for everyone! My program is the perfect balance between freedom and structure that allows your body, not a book, to be your guide.
- Kiss headaches, joint-pain, and constipation good-bye!
- Even out your blood sugar. You’ll have better focus, better energy, and lose the constant cravings that keep you in a yo-yo cycle with food and sugar. When you do that, you can put your attention on what you really want: a life that’s fun and body you feel good in!
- Start restoring your gut health. It may not sound sexy, but doing this allows you to have stronger immunity, heal candida, and have beter digestion. You can’t rock your life if you are struggling in these areas for sure!
- Sleep like a baby and wake up recharged!
- Rediscover Your Sexy! Your skinny jeans, hot little black dress, and favorite “go-get ‘em” top are lonely and want to get back in the wardrobe mix. But it’s more than just the clothes. Rediscover what turns you on, lights you up, and reignite the fire inside you. You’re beautiful and it’s time you were reminded!
- Kick STRESS To The Curb! Learn simple yet game-changing techniques to help you banish stress and put “Me Time” back on your daily schedule, allowing weight and belly bloat to melt away effortlessly.
- End the Detox with a CLEAR PLAN and FINALLY know what works for your unique and beautiful body!
Detoxing doesn’t have to be painful. It can be EMPOWERING, PLEASRABLE, and LIBERATING…
I’m giving you everything you need for success:
- A Comprehensive, Easy to Follow Cleanse Guide with step-by-step instructions for what to buy and what to do to maximize your results. You’ll never be left wondering what you’re supposed to be doing.
- Daily Detox Protocol Guide. A quick, handy guide to keep you on track so you know what you are supposed to do and when you are supposed to do it every day. Great for hanging on the fridge or taking with you to work!
- Weekly Breakthrough Action Guides. These little jewels will help you track your progress, get clear about your goals and roadblocks, and enhance your experience so you feel unstoppable!
- One “Detox 101” Pre-recorded Call. This call will give you tons of info on what a detox is, why we need it, and how to get the most out your experience. This foundational call will get you on track, lay out all the dos and don’ts so you are clear and ready to rock the detox! Download, listen, and GO!
- Three recorded 60-Minute Group Coaching Calls . These calls will focus on my one-of-kind, holistic Get WELLthy™ Detox System that will speak to all parts of your life so you can breakthrough the physical and emotional barriers that are toxic and keeping you stuck. These calls are guaranteed to inspire and keep you motivated!
- Exclusive Lean, Clean,and Sugar-Free™ Community Forum Membership. Get connected and supported with other detoxers! If you’re stuck, need help or extra motivation, or simply want to trade ideas, this forum is available to you 24/7!
- NEW! Unlimited and Exclusive Members Only Website Access. All the content, call downloads and other juicy “Members Only” goodies will all be at your fingertips! Misplaced an email with a link you need? No worries! Just come here and get what you need. SWEET!
- Detailed, Seasonally Minded Shopping List– Simplify your detox. You can take this list with you to the farmers’ market or store and you’re good to go!
- Supple Supplements Guide– If you are intimidated by the world of supplements, this exclusive guide will allow you to shop for supplements with confidence and know-how. Discover how supplements can help you get maximum results from your detox and well after and which supplements best fit your own bio-individuality.
- Yummy, Slim-Down, Easy to Follow Recipes– Get your sweet little hands on some of my favorite, delicious recipes that will help you feel like a pro in the kitchen and will delight your taste buds. You’ll learn how to STILL HAVE DESSERT, just without all the ill-effects of sugar.