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Living Diet-Free in 2014 + The 21-Day Sensual Reset™ Begins!

Happy New Year!

Another holiday season is behind us and a brand new year is just beginning!

Such excitement and possibility in the air…I love it!

And I have to say that as much fun as I had taking time off, I also have a desire to get back into the swing of things.

Have you been feeling that too?

But for far too many people, I see that desire to get life in better order drift into a looong list of resolutions. Sigh.

As you probably know, I don’t like to make resolutions that are hard to keep.


Instead, I like to think of what I want more of and start to create a plan to make it happen.

Evolution over Resolution, I like to say.

I have a pretty short but potent list of fun things I want to have more of this year, including a beautiful and meaningful wedding to the love of my life and Samba classes. Last year was one of the hardest years ever I am ready for more joy.

And one thing is for sure…there is no way I can get to my joy if my energy, body, and overall well-being aren’t at full throttle.

So this month, I am taking some time to get that where I want it. My fiance Michael and I sat down and really listed what are some things we really want to focus on and do to get our bodies back in a healthy groove after a holiday season filled with gluten-free baking, late nights, holiday parties, and being a bit out of rhythm.

Granted, I no longer just go into the holidays with reckless abandon only to “make up for it” come January 1, nor do I feel guilty for getting out of routine, but I still feel in my body that I need to give my body a little extra TLC.

But what won’t you find me doing?

Going on some crazy, punishing diet and workout regimen, that’s what.

And I really, really hope you won’t be doing that either.

Dieting teaches you little to nothing about your body, what foods work for you, nor do they foster happiness.

Now I know that there are tons of 21 or 30 day “challenges” going around right now. Some are actually pretty healthy in nature and some are anything but. (I already saw the Whole Foods altar to the Master Cleanse…goodness, really?)

There is a TON of noise right now about how to get fit and lose weight now that January is here. And it is very, very seductive.

But what I want to offer you is a totally different kind of challenge, one that if you take, I guarantee will make you feel lit up, full of energy, beautiful, sensual, and simply on fire. And it’s one we can do together.

There’s no cost to join, just the willingness to do something different and out of the box.

See, I can pretty much guarantee that you’ve done the “diet after the holidays” deal at least once in your life.

If you are anything like how I was, you probably put yourself through some miserable eating and exercise habits for the sake of that New Year Resolution, only to feel defeated because either you didn’t lose a pound and/or the sheer torture of it all landed you head first in a gallon of ice cream.

Not this year,Beautiful .

This year, if you are willing, we are going to kick-off the year with the 21-Day Sensual Reset™, a surefire way to create greater freedom & pleasure in your body, life, relationship to food, and return to your Authentic Sensuality™.

This is your chance to eat, move, and play in a way that lights you up, not punish you or wear you down.

Here’s how it’ll work:

For the next 3 Tuesdays, I’ll be shooting you an email with that week’s focus principle. (I’ll also be posting here but you need to get on the email list!) Your goal will be to simply try and incorporate it as much as possible for that week, record how you feel, and see how it changes your life.

Each week will build on the previous week, so by the end of these 21 days, you will have immersed yourself so fully in these 3 principles, you will be set up to rock them for the rest of your 2014.

Best of all, this challenge goes nicely with anything else that you currently doing/beginning to enhance your health and happiness (i.e. eating gluten-free, getting enough sleep, going to your weekly yoga class, letting go of sugar, or drinking lots of water) so it’s a fantastic added bonus.

And if you live in the LA area, I’ll have a weekly live adventure that will align with that week’s principle. I hope you’ll join me for those too!

One thing you MUST agree to:

For the next 21 days, you are going to focus on what is RIGHT with your body and do right by her. You are going to give her so much love and positive energy, she is going to shine.

Your choices will come from that place, from love, not punishment.

And if you WERE thinking of dieting in 2014 to lose weight,hear me on this: if lasting, sustainable weight-loss is one of your goals, going about it from a place of self-hate NEVER works, NEVER fosters what you want to create for yourself. It just keeps the vicious cycle going. As far as I’m concerned, traditional calorie counting/point counting/ working out relentlessly never lead to a peaceful, loving relationship with body and food.

Can we agree to coming from body love, at least for 3 weeks?

(If that feels just horrible, you can resume the body bashing after the challenge is over…but I don’t think you will want to).

Awesome….your body just got so happy.

Plan for success…get a sister on board with you!

When we say our goals out loud, when we solicit support, and when we have a partner in crime to go on the journey with us, we have the best chance for success and enjoyment. I want that for you.

So don’t be shy. Call up your best girlfriend, sister, mother, whoever and let ’em know you won’t be Master Cleansing or beating yourself up for “holiday eating sins”.


You are doing a reset that will help you move, eat, dress, play, LIVE in your fullest expression…and you would love for them to go on this journey with you!

Simply send them over to www.anitaavalos.com/subscribe so they can get on the updates list and receive the challenge details in their inbox.

I hope this sounds flippin’ fantastic to you and I hope you’ll be joining me. The road to health, happiness, and living the life you desire should be painted with joy, not torture.

If you agree, I’ll see you in your inbox (or back here!) tomorrow morning.

Lots of love,

P.S. If you already know that you want to start 2014 with my one-on-one support, let’s talk! Together we can discover which of my coaching programs are the right fit for you and your goals. Email me at Anita@AnitaAvalos.com and I’ll get back to you right away!

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