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Your Body is your One True Home. Why not love where you live?

New 4-Part Video Series to Help YOU have your Body-Food Transformation!
Learn how to….

  • Find body freedom and embrace your body wisdom.
  • Have peace and pleasure with food, and let go of struggle, deprivation, or workouts you hate..
  • Love your body deeply & create a whole new way of connecting to Her.

Set yourself free. Sign up for my new training, and I’ll show you how!


Dear One,

Can we talk about exercise and workouts for just one moment in a “keeping it real” kinda way?
I thought so….that’s why I love ya! 🙂

For years, I ran for exercise …5k’s, charity events, treadmills,up and down my neighborhood, along the beach, around the track …and even did a marathon.


I hated running.

Took me a long time to get clear about that and admit it, but it was/is the truth.

I did it because I thought that’s what you had to do to lose weight.

Or get in shape.

Or be fit….

Or be worthy…because weight and worth were deeply intertwined for me.

And you know what?

Running didn’t give me any of those things…not weight loss or worth or happiness in my body.

The truth was I was already worthy of everything I thought thinness would give me or being “fit” could provide.

And I learned that I could release weight and gain health without torturing my body with an activity I hated doing.

This is not a bash on running…it’s a bash on doing any kind of fitness that you dread but think you “have” to do. If you love running, please keep doing it!

But for me, running was the thing I dreaded but did.

Here’s the truth : the more joy you feel in your body, the more likely it is that you will keep coming back to an activity…and the more embodied you are, the more delight your body will feel. Pleasure is an incredibly powerful catalyst for health, emotional well being, and for your body to find the happy, healthy weight that works for Her.

You can feel challenged by a class or activity, but if you don’t feel joy , let.it.go! Seriously. All forms of self-torture, drop it.

As soon as a way of moving feels like a chore instead of a privilege, be willing to try something new that makes your body say “yes”. You can not get a body you love by torturing and hating the body you have. You fall in love with your body by treating Her right and moving Her in ways that she loves.

Bodies and what bodies need change…be willing to be flexible in your approach. For now, I only run when chased, in a hurry, and maybe for a small sprint …no more miles to log in a week! And
I can’t tell you how happy me and my body are because of that!

Is there a way of moving you need to let go….or add in…to create more Body Joy and Body Freedom? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.

Italy Updates!

I am in full planning mode for our upcoming retreat to Tuscany this September, The Pleasure Path Retreat.

In fact, I’m heading back there next week to get things in order and share videos of this magical place!

If you haven’t checked out all the details for this week long adventure, please go here now!

The most incredible week awaits you…
Take a sneak peak with me…let’s take a look into what it could be like for you…

Can you imagine yourself waking up in the Tuscan hillside…

A lovely detox juice awaits you as you look outside your window to see nothing but green, lush landscapes and incredible scenery.

After a relaxed start to your morning, you go to your daily class/movement adventure focused on….pleasure. That’s right…no bootcamp or sacrificing your joy…

You’ll dive deep into how Pleasure and JOY can transform every aspect of your life…
(Isn’t that a fun way to invoke change??)

Your day continues with tons of laughter, bonding, lazy time at the pool and/or
going on excursions to the breathtaking coastline of the Cinque Terre…
riding your bike along the walled, historic city of Lucca…
eating the best cheese and wine at a place you walk to, no car needed..
rejuvenating yourself in healing, thermal waters…

Each day, you savor the most incredible, authentic, locally-sourced, cuisine..and change the way you think about food and your body by experiencing the Italian way of enjoying both!

This ain’t no boring Italy tour….you’ll live like a local and have your self-development unfold in the most delightful way.

Early bird discount ends this week!!! So if you want in, this is the time.

Click HERE to learn more.

Questions or concerns? Email me by hitting REPLY and I will happily answer them!!

All my love,



Hello, My Dear!!

And Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Well….I’ve been wanting to make today’s video for a LONG time now…

Because for so many years and with so many clients, I hear time and time again women believing that their weight is holding them back from finding love, attracting love, and/or keeping things hot with their partner.

Is this you?
Have you been thinking that love hasn’t arrived because of the number on the scale? Or that your attractiveness is contingent on your body’s shape?

Then you MUST watch today’s video!
I’m sharing the truth from my own dating life and boyfriends past…you won’t want to miss this journey down memory lane!

The last thing I want to say about this topic is this:
Do you really want a man who would only love you if you fit into a narrow perspective of beauty?
A man who is that superficial?

I think not!!

Whatever your body journey and transformation is, make sure you are doing it for YOU, for your own health and well-being. Don’t let the false belief that love only comes to those who are of a certain shape or size be the reason why you go on this journey. I promise you, the more you love on you and your shape/body at every and any size, the more attractive you will be!

I love you so much!!!
Let me know your thoughts!


Dear One,

Before I get into cravings, I just want to remind ALL my LA Ladies that our first “The Well Workshop for Women” of 2017 is THIS SUNDAY from 5-7 pm in Mar Vista, CA.

If you’ve been feeling especially inspired to take action in your life, to support other women and social causes that matter to you, and want to join a collective group of women who want to do the same, I’m telling you, YOU need to be here…especially since we will be talking about your 2017 Soul Goals. You can learn more and register by going HERE.

Ok, let’s talk cravings…even for the healthy treats you love….

Are you doomed to never enjoy chocolate again?
Do you feel like even those Paleo treats keep you wanting more?

Believe me, I feel you!

But hang on…I’ve got some good news.

Now, when it comes to cravings, there are many different factors that are involved (emotions, stress, sleep, hormones, the quality of the food, etc.) but for today, I just want to offer one simple tip, one that has made a world of difference for me and my private clients.

Once I paid attention to this (and how it connected with certain foods in particular) , it allowed me to be a more empowered eater and learn how to set myself up for both success and pleasure with food.

Check out the videp and let me know what you think!
I think this could really help you. 🙂

With love,



Dear One,

Before I get into this whole “Revenge Body” discussion, I just want to remind all my Los Angeles ladies that our first “The Well” workshop of the year will be on January 29th, where we will be visiting the power of our decisions and how to reach your Soul Goals (without ever resolving to do one more soul-sucking diet again!)

Click HERE to learn more and register at the early-bird rate!

Ok, I hope you’re still with me because this is important…it effects all of us (women, men, and the girls we want to grow up with as much confidence as possible).

Recently, I read an article on Hellogiggles.com that discussed the new reality show “Revenge Body” starring Khloe Kardashian.

As the name would suggest, it’s all about how, with the help of Khloe and her team of trainers, stylists, etc., women can take their bodies to the “next level” as a way to get revenge post-heartbreak. As you may or may not know, Khloe is seemingly the “perfect” host because she herself claimed a “revenge body” after her divorce (losing weight, changing her hair, etc.)

To be honest, I didn’t even know this show was in the works but it doesn’t surprise me. It plays on an old(and FALSE!) belief that looking good is the best revenge and that a woman’s best chance at power lies in her ability to up-level her beauty.

That’s why I was so thankful for the thoughtful discussion this article and Katie Wilcox (creator of “Healthy is the New Skinny” and “Natural Models LA”) brought to the matter and how we keep looking for an outside shift to create happiness, health, love, you name it!

And it got me thinking about my own horrific breakup in 2014, of the pain that resulted from a broken engagement and the love of my life abruptly moving out and back to NYC.

During that time, my body definitely did some shape-shifting.
There was an incredible amount of stress in my life and yes, I was working out a good amount, trying to channel my energy into something positive for myself, but no more than the usual.

In some ways, the initial few months of my breakup are an emotional blur.
But here’s what I can I tell you for sure…

In no way was I focused on getting a “revenge body”. (Think about that term for just a moment…let it sink in.) That wasn’t anywhere near the top of what I wanted.

What I wanted most was to reclaim my life.

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