Packing away what no longer fits or resonates and ready to RELEASE it!
I’ve been doing a lot of traveling over the past few months, not only so I could catch up with family, but also so I could attend some amazing conferences and workshops and come back as even more of a kick-ass coach for all of you.
In the midst of all that packing and unpacking, I realized it was time to clean out my closet. It was time to get rid of clothes that fell into one of these 3 categories:
1) I didn’t like the item anymore or that didn’t match my new energy.
2) It didn’t fit anymore.
3) It never really was a good fit to begin with/didn’t make me feel beautiful.
I used that checklist to decide what stayed and what got donated.
While I was doing this, I had a few discoveries.
1) I had released extra weight! My clothes had gotten baggy and it was time to get some new goodies. I was beyond excited because I had simply been putting into practice some mind/body approaches I have learned and the result was effortless weight-loss. (And those are the kinds of things I am going to be showing you more of!)
2) I was in a new place mentally and vibrationally and I wanted to buy clothes that reflected that.
3) By actually releasing the old clothes, I was creating space for more lovely, well-fitting clothes to take their place. I was sending a message that I am TRULY ready for something better to come on in. If, however, I hold onto my baggy pants and keep them in my closet “just in case”, I’m sending a mixed message to the universe. I’m sorta saying, “Hey, I don’t really believe I’ve lost that weight. I am pretty sure I’ll be gaining it back, so I’m holding onto these pants just in case.”
That’s the wrong message to send! Unclear intentions=unclear reality!
Now that I have gone through my closet and realized what needs to be released, the final step is doing just that…releasing them and being totally grateful for those clothes and the purpose they served in my life.
That final step is what will actually ALLOW the new, more beautiful, better fitting ones to come on in.
This process isn’t just true for clothes. It’s true for many things in our lives…relationships, habits, beliefs, and ways of eating.
This is why dieting never works and never provides long lasting change.
Going on a diet is like saying, “Ok, for now, I’m going to pack away all the toxic foods and eating patterns I’ve had but only for a short amount of time. I’m not going to find out what really works for me, what really fits me…I’m just going to do a ‘short-term’ fix so I can fit in my skinny jeans, class reunion dress, bikini (etc.). Then, I am going to pull out my old habits out again.”
Even if that is not your desired intention, that is what happens via dieting.
So what to do instead?
Make a lifestyle switch. Create habits that will allow for permanent changes and results to flow your way.
There’s just one catch…
You must be willing to follow these 3 steps:
- RELEASE your old habits and ways of being. In order to find out what needs releasing, ask yourself the same questions I asked myself about my clothes…Is this a good fit? Does it make me feel my most beautiful? Does it match the energy I want to put out into the world? This is a key step in detoxing anything!
- Have GRATITUDE for all the lessons you learned from them
- MAKE ROOM for new expereiences/habits to flow on in, and then ALLOW those experiences to come in.
I really want to help you guys grasp how these ideas can help you release excess weight effortlessly and heal your relaitonship with food and your body.
I know first-hand that dieting and punishing workouts only create more struggle and pain, not the joy you are wanting to experience.
That’s why I am doing a FREE 4-part video training series starting
December 28th called…
“6 Secrets to Ditching Your Diet, Releasing Weight Effortlessly, and Living In Your Sweet Spot™ in 2012.”
I am going to give you tangible, breakthrough insider tips that will allow you to create a new year that is free of dieting, pain, struggle, and confusion.
One where you stop beating yourself up for being a “failure”, not loving your body and appreciating her, and/or just giving up and staying stuck in toxic habits that keep you from a happy, healthy, sexy you.
I dearly want for every woman (and the men too) to learn that there is a better way of doing it, of packing up the toxic habits, releasing them with love, and allowing the most smokin’ hot, ridiculously happy and fulfilled verison of you on in.
Sign up today and feel free to tell your friends and family about it. Once you do, you’ll start getting the goods in your inbox on December 28th and you can watch them at your convenience.
I promise it will be well worth your time.
What are you willing to release, make space for, and allow a better version of to come into your life?
P.S. If you don’t want to wait til then and would like to book a Sweet Spot Discovery Session with me, click here to get going! It might be the most powerful 45 minutes you’ve ever had.
You are wonderful, this is awesome! Thank you for the awesome insight!! xo!
So glad this spoke to you :). The idea is to have a closet full of only that which makes you feel beautiful…and foods, people, movement, experiences, etc. that do the same 🙂
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