Getting my heel-hop on with the beautiful and talented Kamilah for the KTLA 5 Morning News taping last Friday.
As I write this post, I am literally beaming from excitement and disbelief…amazing disbelief in myself for doing something so out of my comfort zone.
Last Friday, I completely broke free and danced LIVE on KTLA 5 News as they covered three different dance classes at my local dance studio.
Trust me when I say it took everything inside of me to go!
It was only a handful of months ago when I broke through some serious fears and went to my first formal dance class in years….probably since I was a kid.
It’s not that I don’t love to get my boogie on…I am always down for the get-down!
But, the idea of having to memorize choregraphed moves and bust them out in front of a group of strangers has scared me to my core for years!
So how did I get the ball rolling? Sometimes, you need a push.
Lucky for me, I got mine from my friend and incredibly talented dance instructor, Vanessa Wada, who encouraged me take my very first hip-hop class with her and one of my favorite mentors, the one and only Marie Forleo of Rich, Happy, and Hot B-School fame. (Side note: Are YOU signed up for B-School yet??)
Here was my perfect opportunity to not only take my first hip hop class, but to have encouragement from a friend AND get my boogie on with my fave mentor.
Girl! When the stars align like this, you gotta leap!
The result was pure liberation.
Unadulterated fun!
And I was addicted. Since then, Hip-Hop with Corey on Wednesday nights at Your Neighborhood Studio is a staple of mine!
So when I got an email blast from the studio looking for volunteers for the KTLA News taping, my little heart kept saying “Yes! Let’s do it!”
But my monkey mind was saying something totally different. It kept reminding me that I’m not a “real” dancer…who the hell did I think I was to jump on camera and strut my stuff? What if I fell? Missed a step? What if, what if…?
So how did I tell my monkey mind where it could REALLY go and take the leap? How did I stop playing it safe, stop playing small, and surprise even my own self?
Watch the video and find out how I busted through and came out feeling more alive than ever and why staying safe will actually be more dangerous in the end than taking a leap into the unknown.
You can also check out some live footage of me in the video below (I have on a grey tank top and black leggings. Pay special attention at the 1:50 mark!)
This footage was from my favorite class of the day, Heel-Hop with the gorgeous and talented Kamilah . (If you are in the LA area, you should definetly come check it out! I plan to have lots more info on Kamilah and her Heel-Hop movement in an upcoming post.)
Then, in the comments below, I’d love for you to share:
1) When was a time that you busted through your comfort zone?
2) What gave you the push?
3) How did that experience change your life?
OR now that you have seen this video, what will you commit to trying that, up until now, you were too scared to go for?
I always love hearing from you and getting your feedback!
Now go get ’em, Tiger!
P.S. I can’t wait to share more ways to get into total freedom in some upcoming free training videos heading your way in just a handful of weeks…stay tuned!
LOVE THIS!!! 🙂 Awesome! You look hot and amazing! 🙂 So cool to break out of your comfort zone sometimes. 🙂 I haven’t done it lately myself, but I’ll let you know when I do. XOXOXOXO.
Girl, I already think you are doing it! And thanks for the love…I have to say you are pretty hot and amazing yourself! xo
You ROCK girl!! A couple of months ago, I got an opportunity to be interviewed for the evening news in our area about our school system. It was a great opportunity and allowed me to become recognizable in our small town where new people aren’t always accepted. Sometimes, you just have to take that leap!
Melisa, YOU rock! I am so proud of you. That takes a lot of guts, mama. Way to shine your light! Big hugs.
Woot! Love you so much! Let’s see – out of my comfort zone? I guess I’d better start looking for opportunities because I can’t think of any! I’ll keep you posted!
Sweet Kim! I really think this is already happening for you! It helps me to really get in “kid mode” and think what would the 8 year old literally jump at the chance to do if she could have the liberties I have now? That will get your mind going! xo
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