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Do you shy away from your desires? How to stop hiding out and start saying YES to what you want!

Holy cow!

My butt should be getting some shut eye but you know what?

I’m too freakin’ excited to sleep…so I’m sending you a love note. I want to share something amazing that is happening for me this weekend, something that is making me feel on top of the world.

By the time you read this, I will be getting ready to co-MC (or co-host) for day 2 an amazing live event here in Brooklyn, NY.

It’s called Holistic MBA Live, an incredible conference lead by the creators of Holistic MBA, Carey Peters and Stacey Morgenstern.

In a nutshell, it’s 3 days of some the best tools to help those of us in holistic health get our mojo going , learn incredible business skills, and become better coaches.

But the reason I wanted to write to you today was to speak to you about visibility and living your dreams.

So many of us are so afraid to let our light shine.

We are afraid of being “too much”, tooting our own horn, outshining others OR…

Waiting until we are “enough”.

Thin enough, successful enough, rich enough, and on and on.

Today I’m calling, excuse my language, bullshit on all of that.

You, my friend, are enough right now to step into your potential, to be visible, to live a life you LOVE.

For me, this event and being asked to co-MC has been about that. It’s about stepping into a more visible version of myself, sharing my talents, my spirit, and my personal enoughness with about 450 other women (and some men too) and having a damn good time doing it!

It’s also asking them to do the same…because when one of us shines, we set the stage for others to shine as well.

That’s me with my MC partner, Jocelyn. She’s incredible in every way!

Seriously, I am pinching myself this weekend. Is this my life? Am I really able to show women how to create a body and life they love, mentor new health coaches to get their businesses up and running, travel, and get opportunities like this?

YES! And it feels amazing.

And you know what? This opportunity would have never happened had I not decided to do a stretch break (remember my Gangham Style video?) back in October. Had I played down my desire to be on stage and strut my stuff, I would have never been invited for this incredible opportunity.

I have a burning desire to stand in front of hundreds and hundreds of women (and even the men who love them) and deliver the message of my work. That feels a bit down the road…but guess what? This opportunity right here is giving me a taste of what it feels like.

Once your body knows at a visceral level what it feels like to have the thing you desire, you are on the road to that reality.

Let me tell you…seizing the moment and saying yes to yourself, your desires, your passions is the way to create a life you love and experience magic in your life.

My question to you is…are you willing to say yes?

I really hope so.

Here’s your lovework…

The next time an opportunity you desire comes your way….a date, a vacation, a workshop, an internship, whatever it may be…and you hear that truest part of you screaming out “Yes! I want THAT!”, do your life a favor and just say yes, even if it seems silly, unreasonable, and/or doesn’t make sense.

I swear to you every time I have done this it has paid off immensely for me, leading me to new adventures, opportunities, and personal growth that I never would have imagined or could have expected with my “rational” mind.

Think about it…the first HMBA Live event I went to was 2 years ago. I was a scared, beginning health coach, about to get laid off from teaching, and had no idea how I was going to make “this” work or even what the hell was coming next. But I invested in myself, I took big leaps, and the results have changed my life and allowed me to do work that is changing the lives of my clients daily.

Keep. Saying. YES!

Ok, I love you much, but should get to sleep! A big day awaits!

I’ll be sharing more soon…including a video of the stretch break I lead to one of my favorite jams of all time, “Push It” by Salt-N-Pepa.

It was a beyond fun!

Stay tuned.

Believing in you and all you can do,

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