Today I'm breaking down my top tips on how to get back into your fab-YOU-lousness! This little red dress is one of my antidotes. Find out why!
There’s a strange phenomenon that I think most women can relate to….I certainly have experienced it myself!
Check it…
Ever walk around one day feeling utterly fantastic?
Hot. Sexy. Smart. Totally confident.
You walk by the mirror and think, “Damn, you are rockin’ it, girl!”
Then “it” hits out of nowhere. Sometimes the very next day.
You go to grab your favorite jeans, shorts, dress, whatever….
And they feel snug. You look down at your belly and it feels bloated and puffy. Is it your imagination or did you instantly put on 5 pounds?
You walk by the mirror and for whatever reason, you don’t see your body the same way you did just a day or two before.
What the hell is going on? How and why does this happen?
And how do you take what many women refer to as a “fat day” (the day when you feel out of sorts with your body and feel like there has been a sudden weight gain/ instant bloating) to a “fab day”?
How do you not let a temporary skewed and negative body image get you in a negative tailspin?
Today, I’ve got 5 tips to help, get you back on top of your game, and kiss that negative self-talk goodbye so you can get on with the business of rockin’ your fantastic self!
I mean we all can agree that you are gorgeous and amazing on any given day.
Don’t let this temporary negative stint bring you down, mama!
After watching, please let me know in the comments below:
1) Has this ever happened to you and how did you deal with it?
2) What makes you feel back on top?
3) What tip from today’s video was most helpful for you?
As always, I love hearing from you. And I truly think that other women will benefit so much from your comments and insights. The more we can remind each other of our fantasticness and raise one another up, the better!
P.S. Keep your eyes open TOMORROW! I’ll be starting sign-ups for an amazing free video training series that will tackle these kinds of topics and so much more so you can get out of food/body jail and really kick your summer off right! I can’t wait to share it with YOU!
Hi Anita, Thanks for this one! This is definitely something I struggle with from time to time. I love all your tips and have one more that has worked for me: I try to dive into something that has been on my “to do” list. Whether it’s reach out to an old friend I’ve been meaning to call or start that painting/organizing project around the house. It helps me focus on doing something productive that has nothing to do with my body. At the end of that day, I’ll feel a sense of accomplishment that I got something done (or at least got something started!) and it puts me in a healthier state of mind. Then hopefully after a good night sleep I will wake up refreshed and feeling positive about everything again, including my body image. 🙂
Hi Beth! I LOVE this tip! Yes, when we can get into a place of service, whether for our own well-being or another, we can also find that we don’t overly focus on food, body hate, or simply what ain’t right. I really appreciate your insight! 🙂
Hi Anita,
Thank you so much for posting this video!
I was definitely having one of those “fat days,” so I did my usual solution: did my pilates routine, which honestly, generally makes me feel SO great afterward. Today though, looking in the mirror, I could only feel the negatives, and just couldn’t figure out what was making me feel SO uncomfortable in my own skin. I felt like I could relate on every topic/problem/solution you brought up, and then realized that yes, I’ve had a super super intense, stressful week (things with my partner haven’t been going so well, lots of arguing) so naturally, I just felt pretty crappy about everything in general. I did as you said, wore something that made me feel super hot, got a bunch of stuff on my to-do list done, but at the end of the day, I think just understanding why I felt this way helped me the most.
Thank you again, I think you are SO awesome!
I love this, Uli!!! I am so glad this really helped you and that you did something good for you.Yes, understanding why we can feel this way and knowing that we aren’t alone in it is HUGE! And I think YOU are awesome 🙂 xo
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