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Your Body is your One True Home. Why not love where you live?

New 4-Part Video Series to Help YOU have your Body-Food Transformation!
Learn how to….

  • Find body freedom and embrace your body wisdom.
  • Have peace and pleasure with food, and let go of struggle, deprivation, or workouts you hate..
  • Love your body deeply & create a whole new way of connecting to Her.

Set yourself free. Sign up for my new training, and I’ll show you how!

Yes, chocolate for breakfast CAN be healthy, especially when it's mixed with organic greens!

Well, this was the post I was going to have out last week for the month of love and chocolate, but I was so excited to share my own love story and big announcement that I had to wait on this recipe.

By the way, thank you for all the sweet emails, tweets, comments, and Facebook messages. Mike and I SO appreciate them. You guys rock!

So, today, I am giving up the goods on my Chocolate Lovers’ Green Smoothie to end February on a tasty and healthy note. I love this smoothie because it is jammed packed with superfoods, is filling and energizing, and combines my two of my favorite health foods…REAL chocolate and greens. Sure, the color might be a little weird, but it tastes awesome and does my body good!

PLUS, you’ll see how I came up with a protein powder substitute, since I was having tummy trouble digesting just about every brand under the sun and/or finding one that was free of all the things I didn’t want in a powder. I was loving Vega for a long time, but all of sudden, it wasn’t working so well with me. Nothing against their amazing products…it just wasn’t gelling with me right now. I tried a bunch of other high quality powders but again, they just weren’t jiving with me. So, I created this little concoction and have been loving my smoothies again and feeling amazing.

Life Lesson, Food Lesson? Stay open to change, with your food and your life. Nothing stays the same so stay open to switching it up!

You’ll also notice that there are a lot of the same ingredients in this smoothie that were in my Avocado Chocolate LOVE Mousse recipe I gave out on V-day. It just goes to show you that those superoods are great to use in many different forms…and yes, you too can have chocolate for breakfast!

Lastly, I want to mention that this smoothie is awesome for those who are on an anti-candida diet or watching their sugar intake, especially if you stick to the liquid stevia.

Chocolate Lovers’ Green Smoothie:

– 8-10 oz. of Unsweetened Vanilla Hemp Milk (I love the brand Living Harvest’s Tempt Hemp Milk…I even throw some of their hemp seeds into the smoothie too sometimes!)

– 1-2 tbls. Chia Seeds with 1-2 tbls. Chia Powder (I’ve been using this mixture in place of protein powder in my smoothies.)

– 1/4 of a ripe, organic avocado

-1 tbls. Coconut Manna or coconut butter

-1 tbls. Raw Maca

-1 tbls. Raw Lucuma Powder

– Liquid Stevia to taste OR another natural sweetener, like raw honey (to taste) or Lakanto (to taste).

– 2 tbls. Raw Cacao Powder

– Organic Vanilla Extract (about a dropper-ful)

– A handful of organic greens (chard and/or spinach do nicely!) Add more/less depending on your love of greens. A handful is always a good place to start.

– Ice Cubes (Add to your desired thickness)

– You can also add in your favorite green powder in place of or in addition to your greens (depends on how green you want this!). I also love to add in some bee pollen for an extra energy kick!

Directions: Blend til smooth, add more of anything above to taste, pour in a beautiful glass and enjoy!

Let me know what you think and share this with your friends!



My BIG Announcement!

Hello there, Loves!

I had a whole other kinda post ready for today…another recipe for the month of LOVE. But, something BIG has happened, and I had to share this with you all.

Go ahead…click play on the video below and learn all about this super importante announcement.

So happy I could share this with you! Remember, health is more than just greens and working up a good sweat. It’s celebrating your life, smiling, loving and sharing your joys with others. And never forget that love is nourishment. It will fill you up and keep you smiling…it’s just as vital as food, water, air, and sun. Better believe that.

Big Old XO,


Almost 3 years, I got Mike hooked on the Love Mousse. And just like love itself, it's always sweeter when it's shared.

It’s Valentine’s Day, the day of celebrating all things love…and all things chocolate!

Because I love you and want you to get your chocolate fix in the healthiest way possible, today I am giving you my beloved Avocado Chocolate LOVE Mousse recipe.

It’s vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, and, depending on your sweetener, raw as well.

But why do I call it the LOVE mousse?

Well, first, it has a bunch of natural aphrodisiacs in it.
Raw Cacao– Having more antioxidants than green tea or red wine, raw cacao also contains a stimulating chemical known as phenylethlamine that stimulates the sense of excitement and well being, and arginine, a natural aphrodisiac.

Raw MacaNavitas Naturals states, Maca has long been used to increase stamina, boost libido, and combat fatigue for good reasons. The root is a superb adaptogen, as it enables the body to more easily adapt to and regulate stress factors imposed upon it. Studies have also identified four alkaloids present in maca, which are known to nourish the endocrine system (the system in the body which is responsible for the production and maintenance of hormones)

Omega 3’s from Avocados and Coconut Butter– These healthy fats help to promote feelings of well-being, keep you well lubricated, and keep your hormones in check…all which help keep that loving feeling going strong!

Second, not only does this mousse taste crazy good, it is completely healthy. Nothing says love like health! You can feel good about serving this to anyone you love…friends, family, you name it!

Is it possible that this mousse locked in my Michael a few short years ago? Who knows! But I still make it for him just for good measure (and make sure to enjoy a delicious serving myself).

Now get going and whip up some for the one you love most. By the way, it’s totally acceptable and even encouraged to make some for yourself. You deserve it!

Lots of love from me to you, today and everyday! xoxo

Avocado Chocolate Love Mousse (serves 2):
– 2 ripe avocados
-1 tbls. Coconut Manna or coconut butter
-1 tbls. Raw Maca
-1 tbls. Raw Lucuma Powder
– Natural Sweetner- Either raw honey (to taste) or liquid stevia and Lakanto (to taste). You could also use xylitol or Z Sweet.
– 2-3 tbls. Raw Cacao Powder

Directions: Combine the ingredients in a food processor until smooth. Serve immediatley or chill in the fridge. For an ice-cream like consistency, leave it in the freezer for 30 minutes or more. Feel free to dress this mousse up however you want; you can add nuts, pieces of dark chocolate, sprigs of mint …lots of possibilities here. It also tastes yummy even if you don’t have maca or lucuma available…I just think they add a nice soemthin=somethin’ to it. Enjoy!!


Lovely tulips I bought myself serve as a testament of my Vitamin D...

I love being a woman.

There’s really nothing like it. We are so beautiful, creative, nurturing, and strong.

We can handle just about anything, and do it with style and grace.

Seriously, there isn’t a day when I’m not in awe of the greatness and cool factor that comes from being a woman.

(Maybe that’s why I’ve devoted my practice to serving women, freeing them from the diet roller-coaster, and getting them back into Living In Their Sweet Spot™. We’ve got better things to do than diet and not love our bodies, thank you very much!)

But here’s the thing…

I talk to a lot of women everyday, and what I keep discovering time and time again is that most women are suffering from a major Vitamin D deficiency….and it’s not the one you hear about on the news, get from the sun, or as a supplement.

It’s a whole different kind…

The Vitamin D I’m talking about is Deservability.

Yep, deservability is an essential nutrient and just like any other essential nutrient, if you lack it, you can suffer some serious health problems. (Not to mention emotional, spiritual, and mental ones too).

Many women out there are AMAZING at taking care of everyone else out there; they kick ass at their jobs, they are wonderful moms, friends, sisters, daughters and lovers but they fail to see how freakin’ important THEY are and that THEY deserve so much more than they are currently allowing themselves to have.

I see it so much in my coaching practice…and it’s the number one reason why a woman won’t sign on to work with me.

They don’t quite feel that they are worth investing in themselves.

They keep putting their needs last.

They keep putting their health and happiness on the back burner.

Sadly,for many it takes a huge wake-up call in the form of a health crisis to hear the message that their body has been sending for a LONG time.

I’m guilty of it too and used to be REALLY Vitamin D deficient…lucky for me, I did invest in myself, and I have a whole posse of beautiful women to call me out when my Vitamin D is getting low.

And straight away, I give myself a healthy dose and give myself something I deserve.

Some lovely flowers to look at while I work.

My favorite cup of tea.

A yummy yoga class.

Why? Because I’m worth it.

See, here’s the thing. It’s easy to start correcting this deficieny.

It’s starts with believing you are worth it and continues with the following…

1) Self-authorizing your happiness…you don’t need someone else’s permission.

2) Take consistent action…and it’s ok to start with the small things. (See above list and video for ideas!)

3) Connect with another lovely lady who will hold you accountable for it. My homegirl and sista from another mista, Susana, is not only an amazing BFF but also my number one accountability partner in the Vitamin D department. We have so much fun keeping each other on the joy-path and cranking up our Vitamin D.

My lovely BFF, Susana....cutest accountability partner EVA!

That’s the power of sisterhood…we can hold that space for one another and lift each other up and out of this deficiency (and lots of other ones that I will be sharing with you in future blog posts!)

It’s also one of the reasons I created by Sweet Spot Group Immersion Experience™, which kicks off January 24th. I wanted women to have the space and the know how as to how they can create more for their lives, more joy, more fun around their bodies, and leave the diet hell in the past. But again, it starts by them first seeing and knowing that they deserve more.

Once you realize that you deserve to feel, look, and be your personal best, it becomes easier and easier to eat healthy, make time to prepare yourself nourishing foods, move your body with pleasure, make time for your besties, go to yoga, and sleep enough, just to name a few joys.

If no one else has told you this today, let me proudly tell you…

You, my friend, DESERVE it.

(And if you have taken a look at my program and you are thinking, “I really want that”, once again…You DESERVE it! Click HERE to learn all about it!)

I hope you’ll peep today’s video and please, let me know if this speaks to you and report back! I want to hear how you are upping your Vitamin D, how you’re doing it, and who you have enlisted to help you in the journey.

If you need more inspiration, check out Mama Gena. She is the Queen of Pleasure and had certainly given me lots of inspiration. All of her books are seriously awesome and will up your Vitamin D pronto!

Looking forward to hearing all about your Vitamin D adventures!

Love and Vitamin D,


Spending the holiday season in Texas, surrounded by nature and some new "friends."

Hello, Loves!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish all of you a very HAPPY Holiday Season.

I sincerely thank each and every one of you who have tuned in and been a part of the AnitaAvalos.com family in this founding year.

YOU are the reason I do what I do and why I strive to provide great content,products, and programs.

I can’t WAIT to share all the amazing NEW goods I have been cooking up for you in the new year.

(In fact, I REALLY couldn’t wait ’til then, so I am starting the new year goodness a little early!)

Starting on December 28th, my FREE 4-part video training “6 Secrets to Ditching Your Diet, Releasing Weight Effortlessly, and Living In Your Sweet Spot™ in 2012” begins!

It’s sure to be the kick-start you need for a fantastic, knock-it outta the ballpark kinda year…no starving, calorie counting diet, or torturous workouts you hate required!

You can sign up right here.

Until then, I hope you have a peaceful, fun-filled, super joyous holiday season filled with friends and family you love.

Appreciate every moment of this magical time of year…and make sure you relax, set intentions for the new year, and release all that feels old and stagnant.

And know that I am here rooting for your health and happiness, now and always.

Lots and lots of L-O-V-E,