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Your Body is your One True Home. Why not love where you live?

New 4-Part Video Series to Help YOU have your Body-Food Transformation!
Learn how to….

  • Find body freedom and embrace your body wisdom.
  • Have peace and pleasure with food, and let go of struggle, deprivation, or workouts you hate..
  • Love your body deeply & create a whole new way of connecting to Her.

Set yourself free. Sign up for my new training, and I’ll show you how!

Packing away what no longer fits or resonates and ready to RELEASE it!

I’ve been doing a lot of traveling over the past few months, not only so I could catch up with family, but also so I could attend some amazing conferences and workshops and come back as even more of a kick-ass coach for all of you.

In the midst of all that packing and unpacking, I realized it was time to clean out my closet. It was time to get rid of clothes that fell into one of these 3 categories:

1) I didn’t like the item anymore or that didn’t match my new energy.

2) It didn’t fit anymore.

3) It never really was a good fit to begin with/didn’t make me feel beautiful.

I used that checklist to decide what stayed and what got donated.

While I was doing this, I had a few discoveries.

1) I had released extra weight! My clothes had gotten baggy and it was time to get some new goodies. I was beyond excited because I had simply been putting into practice some mind/body approaches I have learned and the result was effortless weight-loss. (And those are the kinds of things I am going to be showing you more of!)

2) I was in a new place mentally and vibrationally and I wanted to buy clothes that reflected that.

3) By actually releasing the old clothes, I was creating space for more lovely, well-fitting clothes to take their place. I was sending a message that I am TRULY ready for something better to come on in. If, however, I hold onto my baggy pants and keep them in my closet “just in case”, I’m sending a mixed message to the universe. I’m sorta saying, “Hey, I don’t really believe I’ve lost that weight. I am pretty sure I’ll be gaining it back, so I’m holding onto these pants just in case.”

That’s the wrong message to send! Unclear intentions=unclear reality!

Now that I have gone through my closet and realized what needs to be released, the final step is doing just that…releasing them and being totally grateful for those clothes and the purpose they served in my life.

That final step is what will actually ALLOW the new, more beautiful, better fitting ones to come on in.

This process isn’t just true for clothes. It’s true for many things in our lives…relationships, habits, beliefs, and ways of eating.

This is why dieting never works and never provides long lasting change.

Going on a diet is like saying, “Ok, for now, I’m going to pack away all the toxic foods and eating patterns I’ve had but only for a short amount of time. I’m not going to find out what really works for me, what really fits me…I’m just going to do a ‘short-term’ fix so I can fit in my skinny jeans, class reunion dress, bikini (etc.). Then, I am going to pull out my old habits out again.”

Even if that is not your desired intention, that is what happens via dieting.

So what to do instead?

Make a lifestyle switch. Create habits that will allow for permanent changes and results to flow your way.

There’s just one catch…

You must be willing to follow these 3 steps:

  • RELEASE your old habits and ways of being. In order to find out what needs releasing, ask yourself the same questions I asked myself about my clothes…Is this a good fit? Does it make me feel my most beautiful? Does it match the energy I want to put out into the world? This is a key step in detoxing anything!
  • Have GRATITUDE for all the lessons you learned from them
  • MAKE ROOM for new expereiences/habits to flow on in, and then ALLOW those experiences to come in.

I really want to help you guys grasp how these ideas can help you release excess weight effortlessly and heal your relaitonship with food and your body.

I know first-hand that dieting and punishing workouts only create more struggle and pain, not the joy you are wanting to experience.

That’s why I am doing a FREE 4-part video training series starting
December 28th called…

“6 Secrets to Ditching Your Diet, Releasing Weight Effortlessly, and Living In Your Sweet Spot™ in 2012.”

I am going to give you tangible, breakthrough insider tips that will allow you to create a new year that is free of dieting, pain, struggle, and confusion.

One where you stop beating yourself up for being a “failure”, not loving your body and appreciating her, and/or just giving up and staying stuck in toxic habits that keep you from a happy, healthy, sexy you.

I dearly want for every woman (and the men too) to learn that there is a better way of doing it, of packing up the toxic habits, releasing them with love, and allowing the most smokin’ hot, ridiculously happy and fulfilled verison of you on in.

Sign up today and feel free to tell your friends and family about it. Once you do, you’ll start getting the goods in your inbox on December 28th and you can watch them at your convenience.

I promise it will be well worth your time.

What are you willing to release, make space for, and allow a better version of to come into your life?

Lots of love,

P.S. If you don’t want to wait til then and would like to book a Sweet Spot Discovery Session with me, click here to get going! It might be the most powerful 45 minutes you’ve ever had.


Ever find that after a great workout at the park or gym, a super sweaty yoga class, or a swim at the pool you are scrounging around for a bag to put your sweaty or wet clothes in so they won’t ruin your gym bag or contaminate the rest of your stuff with that um, less than desirable odor?

Chances are, more often than not, you reach for a plastic bag to put those wet, smelly clothes in. Problem is, those bags are wasteful, bad for the environment, and have zero style.

Fear not! OMe OMy is here to the rescue! This awesome, environmentally conscious, women-owned company has created The Wet Bag and The Sweaty Bag to give you a stylish, environmentally conscious way to store those sweaty/wet clothes. (And by the way, all their goods are made right here in the USA and they have plenty of other items to tickle your fancy!)

They come in a wide variety of colors, styles, and there is even a slight difference in size, with The Sweaty Bag just being slightly larger. They fold away easily in your purse, backpack, yoga/gym bag and once you are done using it, you can simply throw it into the washer for a quick clean up.

I got my hands on one of The Wet Bags and instantly fell in love. After finally choosing one out of the many beautiful styles, I picked a cute grey one, with a picture of a globe and the phrase “Make A Difference”, that had a unisex appearance so if my boyfriend Mike wanted to ever borrow it, he could. Then I gave it a test drive.

I brought it with me to yoga the following day and folded it neatly into my purse. After class, I was able to simply and sytlishly store my sweaty goods in my Wet Bag. Love it!

With the holidays coming up, these bags make the perfect gift for anyone on your list. Plus you can feel good about giving a gift that is not only practical and sytlish, but is also environmentally conscious as well.

And the lovely ladies at OMe OMy, Jessica and Marnie, are hooking all of you with a special discount good until December 31st to help you save with your gift giving. Simply enter the coupon code “leafygreen10” at checkout, and you will save 10% off your order.

Go ahead, get sweaty with it!


I realize that this post might piss some people off, but I had to say it.

I hate Weight Watchers and over the next few blog posts, I’m going to give you my top 3 reasons why you should run, not walk, from this program and others like it!

Let me be clear, I don’t hate the idea of people wanting to get healthy, reach a happy/healthy weight, and make positive change in their lives. I’m all down for that.

I’m not even saying you can’t lose weight on their program.

What I’m saying is that when you really look at the approach and food that’s promoted and “allowed” on Weight Watchers, it ain’t all that healthy AT ALL!

To be fair, I want you all to know that another lifetime ago, I did Weight Watchers and my mom has been an avid Weight Watcher devotee for as long as I can remember.

I also spent quite some time researching their “new” PointsPlus program.

I really wanted them to prove me wrong and show that they finally “got it” when it came to health and healthy weight loss. After all, they state that their new program:

…is based on the latest nutritional science, and factors in the way your body actually processes food. Combined with the proven advantages of the Weight Watchers approach, the program helps you make healthy choices.

Umm, really?

Is that why they still have folks counting calories (outdated and yes, that’s essentially what PointsPlus is, just with a cuter name), eating McNuggets, and consuming crap food products they create that contain hydrogenated vegetable oils, soybean oil, and yellow #5/blue #1? (I researched their ingredients) REALLY!?

I can feel myself getting all steamed up just thinking about it!

There is so much WRONG with what they are teaching folks but for today, let’s just focus on the first issue and the top reason I hate Weight Watchers:

Reason #1: Counting leads to crazy! (The Counting Game is the new Crying Game).

Any kind and any form. Why? It doesn’t let you ever get the chance to let your body let you know what it needs, traps you in a numbers game, and fails to heal your relationship with food (which Honey, if you are struggling with your weight, that is a huge part of the problem).

I used to count calories, points, fat grams, carbs. None of it worked long term, none of it taught me how to eat in a way that really nourished me, none of it taught me a damn thing about real health.

It actually made me feel a little crazy because I was always adding and counting up numbers. Kinda neurotic. Eating was more of a points game than a pleasure-rich, nourishing experience (which it should be). All that counting and “watching” is a recipe for an eating disorder to boot!

Today, I don’t count any of that (although so much of that damn thinking is still a part of me because I did it for so many years).

And guess what?

I am thinner, happier, and way damn healthier. Trust me, healthy fats and nutrient dense calories are NOT the enemy; processed foods, food additives, and that crazy counting mentality IS!

So what to do instead of count calories or points or whatever cute name you want to give it?

Here’s three tips to get you started:

1) Don’t count, nourish- Eat a whole foods, heavily plant based diet. What does that mean? Eat foods that you can pronounce, that don’t have 16 syllables, and that you and your body can recognize as food. And eating a heavily plant based diet does not mean you have to go vegan. It just means that what came from the ground takes up most of your plate or blender.

2) Eat those foods as meals, not a bunch of snacks or points! When I did the WW and calorie counting thing, I remember spending my day adding numbers on sheets of paper to see if I had blown my limit or if I had enough left to get another snack. I didn’t want to blow my limit but damn it, I wanted the max I could get!

It was kinda like being a shopaholic and calling your credit card company all day to see if you could get a just one more purchase in before the sales lady says, “Your card was declined.”

If you instead lovingly prepare (and if you are eating out, choose quality food) and consume it calmly 3 times a day, you don’t have to count all damn day. You listen to your body, you eat when your hungry, you stop when you are full, you get in touch with your wise self. You don’t worry about if you got your max or ideal number of points in; instead you learn to trust your body again. Wow! Can we say empowered!?

2) Start working on your relationship with food. Hello, any relationship worth having takes love, time, and some introspection. The one we have with food is not different; in fact it might be one of the most difficult to get in a sweet spot with because of the mixed messages we (especially women) get about food and our bodies.

Start asking yourself:

  • How do I use food in my life?
  • Do I turn to food for pleasure-only, reward, or as a way to numb pain or disappointment in my life?
  • Do I see food as the enemy and something I need to control OR do I see it as a source of nourishment mixed with pleasure?

Great books like Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth can really help you start digging deep on this topic.

Another great resource is booking a Ready, Set, HOT Breakthrough Session with yours truly; I have had so many women tell me that that session provided amazing insight on where their relationship with food was out of alignment and allowed them the space to start getting clear about it. (It gets even better when I actually get to coach peeps one-on-one or in groups!)

There is so much to cover on this topic so be sure to tune in next week as I explore reason #2 and how WW is out of alignment of its so called “four pillars of healthy weight loss.”

What are your thoughts? Did you break free of the counting game? How did you do that?


Most of my travels revolve around seeing the family I love, who happen to be spread all around the country! That’s why part of my summer travels lead me back to my home state of Florida. I was lucky enough to not only get in time in Miami but also time on the peaceful Gulf shores with my family, including my sister and her hubby and kids who met me there from Virginia.

While I was visiting with them, I took advantage of the beautiful shoreline to keep my travels healthy and fit in my 12 Minute Workouts and some yoga on the beach; you know I love a no-gym required workout! After seeing my blog post about the 12 Minute Workout and seeing me workout on the beach, my 7 year old niece, Hailey, asked if we could workout together, doing both the 12 Minute Workout AND some yoga! Needless to say,I was more than happy to have her as my workout partner (Wait til you see her in this video; she is quite the inspiration to children and grown-ups alike!). I love getting my fitness on, especially with kids, and my heart melts every time I get to share my yoga practice with children!

What transpired was a beautiful, fun, and memorable morning. I don’t think there is anything more valuable you can share with your family than your time and showing them how to live a healthy life, especially with the children in your family. I think we often forget that children want our love, time, and attention more than any toy out there. By fitting in fitness with them, we not only give them all those things but we also lead by example as to how to have a happy, healthy, and empowered life! What a gift! And the added bonus is that you don’t have to add working out as another thing on your to-do list. Combine it with family fun whenever possible and everyone’s needs get met!

So the next time you are traveling to see family, see if you can intertwine your fam bam time with some fam fitness time. Believe me, your visit will have a healthy influence that they will remember. (My sister told me that Hailey showed her exactly how to do the workout when they got back home. That’s a family keepsake that never goes outta style!)

How do you fit in fitness with your family while traveling? And let me know if this video and this amazing young lady inspires you!


When I was a little girl, I used to LOVE hotel soaps. So cute, so miniature, and so FREE! Now that I’m all grown up and all the wiser, I know those cute little giveaways are also highly toxic! That’s why I never travel without loading up my favorite eco-friendly health and beauty products.

The simple fact is, what you put on your skin goes directly into your body. So if you are eating and supplementing well while on the road (or at home), why are you going to then add in some toxic chemicals into the mix?? Toxic chemicals ain’t sexy. Granted, I am not perfect in this area, but I really try my best. I have found a simple truth: What’s good for the environment is also very good for you. It’s time you and Mother Nature got along.

You don’t have to give up sexy to be eco…instead, be EcoSexy!

I don’t like getting stuck with my once beloved hotel soaps or using someone else’s products that ain’t into keeping it EcoSexy, so here’s how I pack my sundries bag:

And in case you want more info on any of these products, here’s a handy list for ya!:
1) Shampoo and Conditioner- Jason’s Organics and Alaffia
2)Toothpaste- EcoDent
3) Face/Skin Care- Honey Girl Organics
4) Sunscreen- Jason’s Organics and Alba
5) Non-toxic deodorant- Alba
6) Hair products- Giovanni Organics, Jason’s Organics, and Shikai
7) Body Oil- Better Botanicals Ayruvedic Body Oil
8) Razor- Preserve (made from recycled yogurt cups!)
9) Body Wash- MiEssence and Dr. Bronner’s
10) Eye-Makeup Remover- EarthScience
11) Organic Cotton Swaps- Maxim Organics and Swisspers

I also highly recommend you check out Skin Deep. They have a great database that will hook you up with loads of info on how your fave beauty products rate in terms of toxicity and can help you find safer alternatives. And check me out on LeafyGreen.info, where I love to review and write about the latest and greatest in green and eco-friendly products!

And stay tuned as I give you more tips on how to keep it healthy while getting your vacay on!

What products do you use to keep it EcoSexy?