I’ve been waiting for it all year and finally, last week at the Farmer’s Market, there were my beloved cherries! If you aren’t as excited as I am, I going to give you lots of reasons why today!
Cherries are, in my opinion, a superfood that really has it all. First, they are delicious. If you are looking for the perfect blend of sweet and sour, look no further. Second, they are perfectly portable. I hear people tell me all the time that they have to eat convince store food or vending machine garbage because they are too busy to bring their own food. Cherries are the perfect snack or addition to any meal and are easy to bring on the go. Third, and most importantly, is the myriad of nutritional benefits these tiny powerhouses have.
Cherries are high in Vitamin C, which we all know as the go-to vitamin when we needing an immunity boost. However, cherries are also a great source of antioxidants and are anti-inflammatory, which can help reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease. They have also proven to be an effective pain reliever, relieving the pain of arthritis, gout, and even headaches.
Cherries also contain melatonin, which not only is a pain reducer but is also pivotal in regulating your sleep cycle. They are low in calories, have a high water content, and lots of fiber…all good for your waist-line and for your digestive track!
One of the coolest things I learned about cherries came from Whole Food Supplements Guide, where they related a recent study on men with high cholesterol incorporating cherries into their diet. According to Whole Foods Supplements Guide:
“One of the most recent studies related to the nutritional benefits of cherries had to do with unhealthy cholesterol levels. A group of men with high LDL (bad) cholesterol levels were recruited to participate in this study.
The men were given whole food supplements containing cherries and other fruits. After 4 weeks, total and LDL cholesterol (known as “bad cholesterol”) levels were significantly lowered, while HDL (good) cholesterol levels were increased. There were no changes in cholesterol levels in control groups, given a placebo.”
Wow! Talk about letting your food be your medicine!
Have I convinced you yet? Yes, you can get cherries year-round via dried and frozen cherries, but I personally think fresh is best. So make your way to your local Farmers’ Market and load up now. Cherry season is for a short time only. In Cali, it’s only from May to mid June so don’t delay!
What’s your favorite way to enjoy fresh cherries? Is there anyone you know who could really benefit from them?