My fellow IIN goddess, Melissa Somrack, and me on the red carpet at the IIN Mega Conference. Sugar was a hot topic!
The world of nutrition can be a daunting place for sure! There is rarely one thing that all the experts can agree on; this is part of the reason that navigating through the world of health and wellness can be so damn confusing! Who do you believe? What way of eating is right for you? How can one expert explain a dietary theory so well, have it so well researched, and then the next one throws a study at you that is in the complete opposite direction?
Although this can make finding the way of eating that works best for you difficult, it also goes to show us that one way of eating is not the only way nor the right way for everyone.
At the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), where I graduated from, we learned over 100 dietary theories and conflicting theories on nutrition were thrown at us weekly.
But with all that, there are two pieces of nutritional wisdom that were a common thread in all these theories. This became evident again this past weekend when I attended the IIN Mega Conference in Long Beach, CA where I got hear a variety of amazing lectures from some of the nutrition world’s top authorities on health and wellness, including Mark Sisson, Julia Ross, John Robbins, Geenen Roth, and David Wolfe, just to name a few!
Ready to hear the two themes that kept reoccurring?
1) Sugar is toxic. Period. Now, let me preface this by saying that I fully realize that never having sugar again in your lifetime is highly unrealistic. That might be ideal nutritionally speaking, but “never evers” are highly unlikely when we are talking about a lifetime. However, when you consider that sugar
– has been proven to be 4 times as addictive as cocaine
– is deemed the “chief architect of heart disease”
– can cause toxemia in pregnancy
– causes gallstones to form
– decreases growth hormones and is linked with premature aging
– can cause candida
– feeds cancer
– increases glucose and insulin, thus keeping you overweight
…just to name a few, I think you can agree with me and the experts that kickin sugar to the curb is a must if you want to
live a happy, healthy, and hot life! It’s one of those things that if you are going to have it, you want that to be as rarely as humanly possible.
On the emotional tip, I truly believe that we turn to sugar more when we are lacking sweetness in other areas of our lives, when our lives get way out of balance and our emotional needs are not getting met.
Which brings me to the next common theme from the experts:
2) Love, joy, connection, and self-acceptance are vital for true health and are the keys to a life that is truly sweet.
I’ve seen this time and time again with clients and even with myself. When the joy is lacking in your life, you will search for false substitutes for the sweetness you desire.
Which is why I am SUPER excited about my upcoming Lean, Clean, and Sugar-Free™ Spring Detox coming April 12th, where I am going to help you kick sugar to the curb (including the hidden ones and the sugar alternatives that are keeping you from your health goals), detox your body from toxins and inflammatory foods, AND allow you to start to make room for the relationships and experiences that are truly sweet and satisfying (trust me…when you are authentically happy, the crappy, sugar-laden foods look way less enticing!)
Stay tuned for an upcoming FREE preview call that will get you hip to sugar’s hidden sources so you can start living happier, healthier, and hotter! There’s nothing hotter than a woman (or man) who is well informed! (Registration page coming early next week!)
Now I want to hear from you. What about this post intrigued you? Where in your life do you need to take out more of the white stuff and add in more of the love stuff?
Thanks, as always, for reading and watching. And if you know someone who could benefit from this, please feel free to share it with them.
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