Have you been buying "diet" this, "low cal" that and don't know why you can't seem to release the weight? Find out why you need to drop the toxic diet foods...for your health and your waistline.
Back in the fall, I filmed a pantry overhaul.
What is that you ask?
Basically it’s when I go to a client’s house, go through their pantry, frig, and freezer, take out all the toxic stuff and get them educated on how they can refill it with high quality food.
Now sometimes when clients hire me to do this I find lots of high calorie,
sugar-laden, low quality junk food…the obvious suspects.
But many times when I do a pantry overhaul, I find that my client is a traditional dieter who,thanks to the jacked up dieting industry, has been sorely mislead into thinking that diet foods would help her lose weight.
Her kitchen is filled with low calorie this, Weight Watchers that, not to mention 100 calorie pack snacks and fat free garbage.
At the end of her rope and feeling utterly confused about what to eat and why, after doing all the “right” things, she can’t release the weight, she comes to me for help and for some answers.
I literally get tears in my eyes just writing about it because I was that woman for so many years…it breaks my heart…
You see, true health, happiness, and living in my own personal empowerment (which is HOT, BTW!) wasn’t really on the agenda.
I was at war with my body and my whole life was just stuck around trying to control her, control food, and really, I lived in fear of real food….I thought if the label said “diet” or “low-calorie” then it was the right “food” to eat.
I looked for those stupid points, calories, fat grams…
the counting game….
As a result, I was so freaked out about food and my body that I completely put myself in a stress response, which only jeopardized my body’s chances to release weight that much more. My poor body was flooded with toxic processed foods and toxic thoughts to boot.
Oh my…I couldn’t have been further from the mark, and I don’t want that to happen to you.
So today I am giving you an inside look into that pantry overhaul I filmed months ago… (I’m so grateful she let me film it )
See if you recognize any foods/drinks that you currently have in your home…
then dump them ASAP!
Pay special attention to all the hidden sugars…so freakin
Let me know what you think…
What you are taking out of your kitchen TODAY?
And if you are inspired and want more guidance, I warmly invite you to be a part of my Lean, Clean, and Sugar-Free™ 21-Day Spring Detox.
This could be the jumpstart you have been looking for to get out of dieting, toxic foods, and toxic thinking and into a whole new way of living….into healing your body from the inside out.
Make health your goal, not weight-loss. When you do that, your body, kitchen, world, plate, mind will all be filled with the best of the best…you deserve it!
Loving YOU,
P.S. Yes, I do pantry overhauls and grocery store tours for peeps living in the Los Angeles area. If you are interested, send me a message and we can set yours up!
Anita, I totally hear you. I was the same – dieting crazily and eating low fat foods etc, yet never really losing any weight, despite exercising a ton. It wasn’t until I stopped counting calories and started focusing on eating whole foods that my weight stabilized in a healthy place.
Isn’t that a beautiful discovery, Becky. I so can relate to what you are saying!
I’m glad you mentioned how a lot of low fat foods have a ton of sugar! It’s all about real food. Fat… healthy fat… is not your enemy. I’m curious, do you avoid all white sugar?
Hi Allegra! I love me some healthy fat. I basically do avoid all white sugar…there is an occasional splurge here and there but that’s like a few times a year.
There’s definately a lot to find out about this subject.
I like all the points you have made.
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